Digimap now has OS MasterMap data in CAD format

OS MasterMap Data in DWG formatUntil now anyone wanting to use OS MasterMap® Topography data in CAD software would have to convert their data, often a lengthy and complicated process.  Now you can simply download the OS MasterMap Topography Layer in DWG format directly from Data Download. The DWG data should open in most CAD software such as AutoCAD, Vectorworks and ArchiCAD.

We always knew it wasn’t that easy to convert OS MasterMap data for use in CAD, the conversion software has a lot of options and can confuse at the best of times. The conversion software also doesn’t work on Apple Mac computers which are a popular choice with CAD users. However, we redoubled our efforts to provide DWG format data when we heard that some of our users were making PDF maps of OS MasterMap data and then manually digitising them from the screen… something had to be done!

Incorporating a conversion process into Data Download has not been simple and can produce some very large file sizes, especially if you need data for a busy urban area. Please only take enough OS MasterMap as necessary, or your computer may run out of memory when you work with the data.

Selecting DWG format

To get your data in DWG format simply follow the usual steps for making an order in Data Download:

How to Use Data Download

Once you have added your OS MasterMap Topography data to the basket, use the drop down arrow in the Format column.

Select DWG format from the available formats.



Selecting a theme and layers

You can select one of two themes for your OS MasterMap topography data.  Standard has full colour whereas Plan is in black and white with buildings outlined in red.



Note that you can also choose which layers of Os MasterMap data you wish to download – just select the Layers arrow and check the boxes next to the layers you need, e.g. Buildings, Rail, Roads etc.

Your OS MasterMap data will not need any conversion to open in most CAD software, enjoy playing with the vectors! Please let us know if you have any problems using this data or if you have suggestions as to how it could be improved.

  • Email: digimap@ed.ac.uk
  • Tel: 0131 650 3302