New Geology Download Launched

EDINA has launched a new version of Geology Download to replace the existing one and the Lexicon Download. The updated interface can be found in the Download area of the Geology section of  Digimap.Geology Download Replacement Message

The new interface looks very similar to the Data Download service in the Ordnance Survey Collection and so benefits from all the enhanced functionality and ease of use brought about when that interface was developed:

Updated Geology Download interface
Click image to enlarge.

New Geology Download has all the datasets that the old interface provided, with the addition of the Lexicon of Named Rock Units and the Boreholes Index shapefile. We also hope to add some extra datasets in the coming weeks from the British Geological Survey (BGS) OpenGeoscience data holdings.

Both the old Geology Download and the Lexicon Download will be withdrawn on the 31st of August. If you support the use of Geology Digimap please update any support materials or practical exercises you may have created for the old interface.

You can find a “how to” guide for the updated interface here:

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the new interface or withdrawal of the old ones:

  • Tel: 0131 650 332
  • Email: