ShareGeo for Sharing Data

Have you created geospatial data for your research project or teaching module?
If so, why not put it in ShareGeo and share it with other Digimap users?

ShareGeo is a facility in Digimap where users can share and re-use geospatial data, whether they have been derived from exiting Digimap data or created entirely from scratch.

Why should I put my data in ShareGeo?

  • increase the visibility of your research
  • share datasets easily with colleagues and peers
  • create a record of your data with simple metadata
  • manage your data for future use

Also, you will:

  • find datasets you may be interested in
  • save time by re-using existing data that others have created

What’s new in ShareGeo?

New datasets available in ShareGeo include: UK Digital Terrain Model (DEM), UK National Parks boundaries, Government Office Regions, Strategic Health Authority boundaries and many others.

A full list of all datasets in ShareGeo can be found here.

How do I access ShareGeo?

ShareGeo can be accessed by logging in to Digimap and following the link on the Collections page to ShareGeo.

More information about ShareGeo can be found at:

Let us know what you think about ShareGeo by sending an email to: