Updated Datasets in Digimap Data Download

The following Datasets have been updated to the most recent versions in Data Download:

  • Miniscale – January 2013
  • Strategi –  January 2013
  • Meridian 2 – January 2013
  • VectorMap Local – October 2012

The MasterMap Raster data in Data Download will be updated to the August 2012 data in the next few days.


2 Replies to “Updated Datasets in Digimap Data Download”

  1. Is there a way I could use the site please, when I was in University in Cardiff I found it invaluable, but now moved on and many things are denied, this one especially, dont mind paying please tell me how. Alun

    1. Dear Alun,

      Unfortunately the Digimap service is funded by the UK government for UK Further and Higher education only. The licence agreements we have with the data suppliers too are all for academic use only. This all means that we couldn’t allow you access even if we wanted to. Your request is not an uncommon one, however it is one that we cannot do anything about. We are very sorry that we can’t be of any more help.

      Kind regards,

      Tom Armitage.

      EDINA Geoservices Support

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