GeoForum 2019 – Save The Date

We are very pleased to confirm the date and venue for our next GeoForum event and invite you to join us for an interesting programme, with a range of speakers and opportunities for discussion.

GeoForum will be on Thursday 28th February 2019 at Lancaster House, on the Lancaster University campus, LA1 4GJ  10.30 am – 4pm.

Please do save the date. We hope to focus on the recent addition of the CEH Land Cover Plus: Crops dataset to Environment Digimap, Global Digimap and the OpenStreetMap data as well as mapping data for Northern Ireland.

GeoForum is a free all day event aimed at lecturers, researchers and support staff who promote and support the use of geospatial data and services at their institution. Throughout the day we there will be talks and demonstrations to showcase recent geospatial developments at EDINA and opportunity to offer your feedback on the services we provide and discuss geospatial issues with the EDINA team. The confirmed programme will be posted here when available.