Environment Digimap gets data for Northern Ireland

NI LandCover 2007 1km RasterEDINA have added data for Northern Ireland to Environment Digimap after an agreement between Jisc and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) to extend the service beyond Great Britain.

The data comprises of 25m and 1km resolution raster datasets for  2000 and 2007 as well as vector data for both these years. The data shown on the right is the 1KM resolution raster data from 2007.

The datasets essentially classify the land into categories including: sea and inland waters, bare, suburban and urban areas, arable farmland, pastures and meadows, rough grass, grass heaths and moors, bracken, dwarf shrub heaths and moorland, scrub, deciduous and evergreen woodland and upland and lowland bogs. These maps can be used to plan, manage or monitor agriculture, ecology, conservation, forestry, environmental assessment, water supplies, urban spread, transport, telecommunications, recreation and mineral extraction.

The Northern Ireland data is currently available from Environment Download only but will be available in Environment Roam once we have created backdrop mapping and search infrastructure for Northern Ireland.

For details about Environment Digimap and how you can subscribe please see this earlier blog post:

 Environment Digimap Launched: Free till July 2014