More OS Open Datasets in Digimap Data Download

EDINA has added some more OS OpenData products to its Data Download facility. The new products are:

  1. OS Terrain 50™
  2. OS VectorMap® District Raster (Full Colour)

OS Terrain 50 SampleOS VectorMap District Raster (Full Colour) Sampe

We have also updated the OS VectorMap District and OS VectorMap District Raster (faded colour) datasets from the beta version to the first full release.

OS Terrain 50 is currently only available as a DTM, as soon as the contours are made available we will add them to Data Download.

The list of OpenData products available from Data Download now consists of:

  • OS Street View
  • OS VectorMap District
  • OS VectorMap District Raster
  • Meridian 2
  • Strategi
  • 1:250 000 Scale Colour Raster
  • Miniscale
  • Boundary-Line
  • Code-Point Open
  • Land-Form PANORAMA
  • OS Terrain 50
  • OS Locator
  • 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer

Why get OS OpenData from Digimap?

  1. Digimap’s Data Download allows you to get OS OpenData in much smaller amounts than downloading it from Ordnance Survey’s website. You can take just the tiles that cover the area you are interested in, avoiding downloading large amounts of data you don’t need.
  2. Data Download lets you take Licensed and Open data products at the same time which can save a lot of time when collating data for a project.
  3. Data Download keeps the older versions of the datasets allowing you to see how the dataset changes over time. This is very useful when studying temporal changes though do note that not all changes on the maps are due to real word changes. Sometimes differences in survey techniques, accuracy or policy mean that new features appear or disappear from the map.