Inspired by a discussion of corporate fraud and wage theft I am aiming to incorporate this work into my Illicit Markets course:
Smith D (2013) The “Hyper-meritocracy” – an Oxymoron Led by Criminal Morons. In: New Economic Perspectives. Available at: 14 October 2020).
Akerlof GA, Romer PM, Hall RE, et al. (1993) Looting: the economic underworld of bankruptcy for profit. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity; Washington (2). Washington, United States, Washington: The Brookings Institution: 1. DOI:
A discussion of race and cybercrime is much needed for me and the insight, critique, creative energy and intellectual generosity of Martin Glynn has helped push me in this direction. He is a criminologist, dramatist, children’s author and creative storyteller.
Glynn M (2019) Speaking Data and Telling Stories: Data Verbalization for Researchers. Routledge.
Following a discussion with Alistair Fraser and Oana Petcu, I am reading work the digital street:
Ilan J (2020) Digital Street Culture Decoded: Why criminalizing drill music is Street Illiterate and Counterproductive. The British Journal of Criminology 60(4): 994–1013. DOI: 10.1093/bjc/azz086.
Lane J (2016) The Digital Street: An Ethnographic Study of Networked Street Life in Harlem. American Behavioral Scientist 60(1). SAGE Publications Inc: 43–58. DOI: 10.1177/0002764215601711.
Lane J (2018) The Digital Street. Oxford University Press. Available at: (accessed 27 May 2020).
Colleagues in Sweden, Denmark and Canada nail down a long standing debate about drug market prices between street and screen:
Moeller K, Munksgaard R and Demant J (2020) Illicit drug prices and quantity discounts: A comparison between a cryptomarket, social media, and police data. International Journal of Drug Policy: 102969. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102969.
A deep delve into digital materialities is needed and I’m indebted to Elif Doyuran for this reference:
Dourish P (2017) The Stuff of Bits: An Essay on the Materialities of Information. Cambridge, UNITED STATES: MIT Press. Available at: (accessed 9 October 2020).
leading to the following theorisation of AI and algorithms:
Hayward KJ and Maas MM (2020) Artificial intelligence and crime: A primer for criminologists. Crime, Media, Culture. SAGE Publications: 1741659020917434. DOI: 10.1177/1741659020917434.
Christin A (2020) The ethnographer and the algorithm: beyond the black box. Theory and Society. DOI: 10.1007/s11186-020-09411-3.
Ian Walmsley kindly got in touch to share his work on the critical history of withdrawal in addiction research and medical thinking – this has been exceptionally helpful in crystallising my thinking:
Walmsley I (2012) Governing the injecting drug user: Beyond needle fixation. History of the Human Sciences 25(4). SAGE Publications Ltd: 90–107. DOI: 10.1177/0952695112459135.
A lot of re-reading has been done this month as I return again to the work of Fay Dennis and Cameron Duff on drug materialities.
My reading list for the next wee while / Dark matters by blogadmin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0