Here is a 2-page CV updated in May 2023
A Brief History of Mine
- 2009-now : Professor of Mathematical Geoscience, The University of Edinburgh
- 2017-2019: Guest Professorship, ETH Zurich
- 2005-2009: Reader of Exploration Seismology, The University of Edinburgh
- 1997-2005: Senior then Principal Research Scientist, Schlumberger Cambridge Research
- 1994-1997: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Theoretical Geophysics, Utrecht University, Netherlands
- 1990-1994: Doctorate in Geophysics, University of Oxford, UK
- 1986-1990: B. Sc. Hons., Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK
Other Appointments
- 2024-now: Member of Editorial Board, Edinburgh Student Journal of Science
- 2023-now: President of the British Geophysical Association
- 2023-now: Vice President (Geophysics) of the Royal Astronomical Society
- 2023-now: Member of Awards Committee of the Royal Astronomical Society
- 2023-now: Edinburgh Climate Change Institute Associate
- 2022-now: Member of Society of Exploration Geophysics CO2 Subcommittee
- 2021-now: Director of Industrial Engagement, School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh
- 2021-now: Guest Editor, Comptes Rendus, Special Issue on Imaging and Monitoring: New Developments
- 2020-2021: Guest Editor, J. Geophys. Res., Special Issue on Machine Learning
- 2017-now: Member, EAGE Awards Committee
- 2016-2016: Advisor to Scottish Government on risks connected to unconventional energy
- 2014-2015: Member, University of Edinburgh’s Divestment Review Group
- 2013-2015: President, Scientific Advisory Committee for RESIF (rapid expansion of French seismic network)
- 2011-2013: Head, Institute of Earth and Planetary Science
- 2012-2018: Member, Directorate of the Scottish Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage
- 2011-2011: Visiting Professor, University of Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2011-2011: Visiting Scientist, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand
- 2010-2010: Member, HEFCE pilot panel for REF in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
- 2009-2013: Deputy Director, ECOSSE
- 2007-2010: Director, Edinburgh Seismic Research
- 2007-Now : Member, Society of Exploration Geophysics Research Committee
- 2007-2011: Member of Editorial Board, Petroleum Geoscience
- 2006-2012: Honorary Fellow, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
- 2006-2006: Visiting Professor, Universitee Paris Sud, Orsay, France [2 months]
- 2005-2010: Member of the Board, ECOSSE Joint Research Institute, UK
- 2004-2011: Editor, Geophysical Journal International
- 2001-2005: Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh, UK
- 2000-2004: Leader, Schlumberger Mathematics Technical Community
- 2003-2004: On Industrial Advisory Board, Alan Turing Institute of Mathematics, University of Manchester
- 2001-2002: Co-Founder, European Corporate Innovation and Venturing Society
- 2000-2001: Schlumberger Corporate Business Venturing Program: co-Founder and -Manager
- 2000-2000: Member of Workplace 21 (6 months): an international project on the workplace of the future
- 1997-1997: Visiting Scientist, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre [3 months]
- 2017: Reginald Fessenden Award from the Society of Exploration Geophysics: For work on Seismic Interferometry
- 2014: Geophysical Journal International Outstanding Reviewer 2014
- 2013: Winner of Edinburgh University Students Association Teaching Award for Developing Student Employability
- 1993: Texas Instruments Computing Scholar, Green College Oxford
- 1992: Texas Instruments Computing Scholar, Green College Oxford
Other Activities
- 2022-now : Science for Ukraine, Mentor
Funding Secured
The following link lists income & donations secured for the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh.
Previous University of Edinburgh Administration
- Director of Industrial Engagement, School of GeoSciences, 3 years
- Head of Institute of Earth and Planetary Science, 35 academic staff, 3 years
- Chair of the Board of Examiners, Earth Resources cluster of M. Sc. courses
- Degree Program Convenor, Geophysics B. Sc. Hons
- Program Director, Geoscience Masters by Research (M. Res.) degrees
- Course Organiser, Exploration Geophysics (3rd year) & Exploration Seismology (4th year) on Geophysics B. Sc. Hons degree
- Deputy Course Organiser, GeoSEAD Masters course
- Organiser of Earth Resources Group
- Chair of “Research Development and Commercialisation Group”