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an interdisciplinary experiment in cooperative learning
Email draft for Prof Dorothy Miell

Email draft for Prof Dorothy Miell

A few of us met this morning and drafted this letter; kept it minimal and clear. If there any additions or changes people would like to make, that would be great! Thanks!


Hi Vicky,

We’ve been advised by Lawrence (see below email) to get in touch with you to arrange for Dorothy Miell to visit the participants of the above course to discuss the issue of mutual support that we are exploring.

We’re really keen for Prof Miell to come along.  We discussed this in the group yesterday and would like to propose some time around week 3 next semester?

We understand Prof Miell will be very busy and really appreciate her offer; we’re obviously happy to be flexible with dates for the visit.  Our group meets on Wednesdays from 2-4.

I’m obviously emailing this on behalf of the group and will ensure all info is shared with them.

Many thanks,



Message received 2 Nov. 2018
Dear Sophia,

You can certainly share my previous response and this one with the students.

To follow up with your student’s email about monitoring attendance on this course, we have had an interesting discussion with the Head of College, Vice-Principal Professor Dorothy Miell. Given the unique, experimental nature of this course and its goal to create a space for discussing and exploring new forms of learning, Prof Miell agrees to exempt this course from the usual attendance reporting system this semester. She also wants me to tell you that at College they are very interested in learning more about the processes of mutual support that your students wrote about. Prof Miell would be very interested to join your discussions about attendance monitoring and student welfare and talk about the College’s view on these issues if the class wants to extend an invitation.

I think this is a great development and I hope the students on the course will discuss this offer and extend the invitation. It’s a great opportunity! If they choose to, then the best way to set this up will be to email the College Registrar, Vicky Watters to arrange it: In the event Prof Miell’s schedule will delay the discussion then one of the other Deans will certainly be available.

If you can keep me looped in on this I would appreciate it, as I am quite interested in the development of this course.

Kind regards,

Dr Lawrence Dritsas



  1. Sophia W.

    Looks great! I’d suggest changing “Hi Vicky” to “Dear Vicky”–the PA to the head of College is also a kind of high-up person…
    When you send it, I would suggest copying in Lawrence and Siobhan.

    1. Sophia W.

      Actually–good strategy to bring flat hierarchy into the communications!! You see I am so socialized into the hierarchy that I assume recognition of it is the right way to go… Unlearning things all the time.

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