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Conference code of conduct
To choose to be here at CIM22 is to seek out some different perspectives and views to your own. This event is not only interdisciplinary but also international. The conference language is English, in all the variations that this brings. Communication is a joint enterprise! By working together, considerate listeners and presenters will draw out the best from every session.
For the best quality of stimulating dialogue and conversation, we remind all participants – online and in-person – to interact professionally at all times. CIM22 will not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour, online or in-person. Please advise us immediately at ParticipationCIM22@gmail.com if you either witness or are the target of behaviour or language that concerns you, and we will take appropriate action. If you yourself are asked to reconsider a form of behaviour or use of language, you should comply immediately.
We ask all participants to view and adopt the RMA/BFE conference code of conduct [here]. You may also be interested to read about the Responsible Debate project led by members of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland.
Resources for participation in interdisciplinary music research
EDIMS is a cross-organizational network which aims to promote, support and share good practice in relation to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Music Higher Education (HE) in the UK. The Network has grown out of the EDI Working Group established by Music HE and the Royal Musical Association in early 2019.
Please visit the excellent EDIMS Website to discover the range of resources they have compiled to support high quality research and teaching practices.