The editors of Art in Translation welcome recommendations of texts for translation and publication in AIT.
The recommended text must already have been published in a language other than English, and meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Groundbreaking within the field and in the broader field of visual studies
- Accurately reflects current concerns and issues in the subject area
- Highly representative of the source culture and methodology
- Valuable introductory text, opening an initial path into areas of research and scholarship unfamiliar to the target readership
- A classic text within the source language, not necessarily focused on the source culture
- A classic text within the source language, focused on the source culture
- A text that makes a significant contribution to the global practice and understanding of art history and visual culture
To submit your idea, please download and complete the AIT_Recommendation_form.
If the text that you recommended is selected for publication in English in AIT, you will be invited to write a short introduction, which will be published under your name together with the translated text. Scholars are asked not to recommend their own texts.
For any queries about the submission process, contact Kristina Keall (