Like many people at the moment, I’m trying to work from home. I usually spend every summer working from home with a heady balance of reading and writing papers for conference or publication often sat in my garden. Its not huge but I’m lucky to have the space. (I’m sad there is no Society for Animation Studies conference this year – it was supposed to be in New Orleans!) However this for me has always been dependant on childcare so this year as we were all locked down together the difference was very noticable.
At the start of the lockdown in Edinburgh we were simply trying to survive, then routines were formed and patterns emerged but all the while research seemed to get further down the list of priorities as covid mitigation was key. I have two pieces of writing due which have now been moved to next year, the animation dept had a panel ready for the BAFTSS conference due to take place in St Andrews back in April which was also cancelled and most importantly our 30th anniversary celebrations were put on pause.
So as the summer vanishes and all eyes start to focus on the new realm (for us anyway) of digital teaching, getting the research network up and running now does a few things – it kicks our team in to gear a bit and reminds us of all of the good work we have done in the past; it opens the door to new possible collaborations; and it maybe shares some of the pressure that many of us are feeling, a problem shared and all that. There are already some great supportive community spaces, Animated Women UK, Scotland (a great post on the main blog site about homeworking here btw), #AcademicTwitter, the aforementioned SAS and many others. We are on twitter @aniresearchscot and hope that this network can work with and alongside the others to foster positive support in the community.
(Author's own image lockdown 2020)
This is a great initiative, Nichola! Particularly in these surreal and isolating times. The Worldwide Web is an excellent way to stay connected. Keep safe and warm greetings from New Zealand, Miriam
Hi Nichola!
This network is a wonderful idea, and I am certain that it will yield interesting results. In terms of working during COVID-19, I have to admit that despite the pain, trauma, insecurity and fear the pandemic has caused, for me, isolation has proved to be rather productive. I also enjoyed the clear from pollution sky and the foxes coming out in large numbers to the city centre in Glasgow. If only we could have sustained respecting our surroundings longer…
All the best for the new academic year,