Our lived experience advisory panel (LEAP) has helped us create these ‘ways of working’. These guide how we run our online LEAP meetings.
Download our LEAP Ways of working [PDF]
How we like to do things:
- At the start of each meeting, we will go round and people will say their name.
- During the meeting we will make every effort to keep to agreed timings.
- Your lived experiences will inform your inputs to conversations and the solutions you
suggest, but only share what you are comfortable sharing. - If you don’t understand what someone is saying, please ask them to repeat it or explain it.
You are probably not the only person who doesn’t understand.
Speaking and Listening:
- Everyone has a voice and is an equal stakeholder
- Only one person to speak at a time. Please raise your hand (physical or virtual) if you would
like to speak next. - Listen to each other
- Do not talk for too long.
- Be present as fully as possible.
- Occasional swearing is ok, as long as it is not directed at another person (acceptable in the
form of natural language).
Embrace Differences
- Be polite. If you disagree about something concentrate on the thing you are talking about
not the person involved. - No shame, embarrassment, or judgment
- Be open to learning from each other
Work Together
- Help each other to build the confidence to contribute.
- Allow our ideas to be developed further by others
General items
- Make every effort to turn up on time.
- Please have your camera on if possible. However, if you want to leave the room / switch off
your camera for a bit, that is OK. - Please join the LEAP meetings from a private place, where it is unlikely that others will
overhear/come into the room. - If you have any concerns about the Ground Rules not being respected, please privately
message or speak to the Chair of the meeting - Accept that we will sometimes have challenges, but we will learn together and move
- Minutes will take the form of action points/overview of the discussion and will be circulated
after the meeting. - A secretary from outside the project may attend for note-taking purposes.
- In general, we will not audio or video record meetings.
- We may occasionally ask permission to switch on recordings for small sections of the
meeting, to make sure that we capture all of the responses. We will ask permission at the
time, and any individual can ask for the recording to be paused while they speak. If a
recording is made, it will be deleted as soon as the information is transcribed.
Any member of the LEAP can ask for a review or update to these Ways of Working.
Our LEAP’s Ways of Working / AMBER : Antidepressant Medications: Biology, Exposure & Response by is licensed under a