Welcome to the AMBER Blog.
This is a place where we will share information, resources and notes/thoughts from the AMBER project. We hope that you will find them useful.
AMBER stands for ‘Antidepressant Medications: Biology, Exposure & Response’
It is a 5 year research project, funded by The Wellcome Trust (Mental Health Award)
Our work combines genetic, Big Data, and cell laboratory work, with the aim of better understanding how anti-depressants work and how they could be better used to treat depression.
Our research will be carried out in collaboration with people with lived experience to increase trust and facilitate research that is relevant and important to patients.
The project is led from Kings College London (Cathryn Lewis) in collaboration with researchers at the University of Edinburgh (Andrew McIntosh, Heather Whalley, Sue Fletcher-Watson) and the University of Queensland (Sonia Shah, Quan Nguyen, Naomi Wray).
(Image by Willy Go from Pixabay)
(Image by Willy Go from Pixabay)