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Author: yairfosado

Video promotion SoPA

The School of Physics and Astronomy (SoPA) at the University of Edinburgh has prepared a promotional video showcasing the research activities conducted within the department. I am incredibly proud and happy to be part of this amazing community, and I’m excited to share that one of my images, featuring work with the TAPLab on DNA nanostars, was selected for the video. Here is the link: (the image appears at ~0:30).

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CECAM workshop: Exploring bio-inspired systems

Thrilled to be participating in this upcoming workshop organised by CECAM: Exploring bio-inspired systems: a synergy between multiscale experimental and computational approaches

Looking at the incredible lineup of speakers, I am sure this is a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills, share ideas, and connect with passionate individuals. Can’t wait to dive in and see what new insights we can gain together.

See you in Vienna.

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AERC 2024

The Annual European Rheology Conference 2024 took place in Leeds. I really enjoyed the interaction with researchers applying rheology and theory to understand a broad-range of materials. A key message for me was the need to find a connection between the microscopic structure and macroscopic mechanical properties in several formulations.

I was also happy for the opportunity to present our work on the Rheology of Topologically Active DNA.

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GEOTOP-A seminar

I am excited to go back to Mexico on January next year, to be part of this amazing event (GEOTOP-A seminar) and to talk about our most recent project on “Topological Elasticity”.

Looking forward to visiting Merida, having great food and to interact with this great community.

Link to the event:

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Advanced core-to-core network for the physics of self-organizing active matter

I am now in Kyoto for the first core-to-core network. Prof. Masao Doi gave a talk about the current efforts to understand the swelling of gels. I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to interact with such amazing scientists. Tomorrow, I will be talking about a recent project in which we use Restriction Enzymes to change the viscoelastic properties of DNA hydrogels. If interest, the full program is available here.

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International Soft Matter Conference ISMC2023

Very happy to have participated as chair in one of the sessions and also to have been selected as a speaker in this amazing event. It was a pleasure to talk about our latest pre-print “Topological Elasticity in Physical Gels with Limited Valence“, and also to hear all the interesting research that is currently developed in the soft matter field. Looking forward to participate in the ISMC next year!

You can take a look at the program of the event here

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22/May/2023 Louise Head

Interplay of active nematic defects and flow structures

Active nematics are a class of liquid crystals driven out-of-equilibrium by the intrinsic activity of the rod-like constituents. In bulk, global nematic order is destabilised via the coupled feedback between nematic deformations and active flows, facilitating a steady-state population of pairs of half-integer nematic topological defects and chaotic flows (active turbulence). When confined, active nematics can exhibit active turbulence if the activity is sufficient, or more ordered spatiotemporal flow field patterns with a reduced defect count, dependent on the confinement scale. Understanding these complex flow regimes have naturally favoured perspectives centred on the nematic defects, as their emergent steady-state presence is an evident feature of active nematics. Defect orientation, motility and flow generation has been employed to study quasi-particle like descriptions of larger scale flow structures [1]. Within this description, the production of active flows around defects has been studied [2], revealing that the flow-field solution around a +1/2 defect is associated with two vortices and a self-propulsion velocity, while the -1/2 defect is associated with six vortices and active flows tending to zero at their core. However, this viewpoint is necessarily an oversimplification since flows are not simply governed by defects – flows influence the defects in parallel. The reverse viewpoint, ‘how nematic defects respond to the structure of the flow field’, is therefore important for understanding the architecture of active flow patterns but has not received adequate attention. Through experiments of microtubule-kinesin based active nematics [3], and mesoscopic simulations [4], we explore how defects couple to the structure of the velocity field in 2D. We adopt a topological description of the velocity field, identifying the borders between rotationally dominated and strain-rate dominated regions. We establish the importance of these boundaries as paths for defect dynamics and categorize defect behaviours into two regimes associated with +1/2 defects tracing either one boundary or instantaneously traversing intersections. These results demonstrate that the ideal picture of two vortices associated with each of the +1/2 defects is not characteristic of active nematics. Through utilizing topological descriptions of structures in the director field and velocity field, we can provide a complementary perspective on active nematic flows and possible control mechanisms by manipulating either field.

[1] S. Shankar and M. C. Marchetti, Phys Rev. X 9, 041047, (2019)
[2] L. Giomi et al., Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 372:20130365, (2014)
[3] J. Hardoüin et al. Nat. Commun. 13 (1), 6675, (2022)
[4] K. Thijssen et al. Soft Matter 16, 2065-2074, (2020)

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15/May/2023 Takahiro Sakaue (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan)

First passage time statistics of non-Markovian walkers: Onsager’s regression hypothesis approach

How long does it take for a random walker to reach its destination? Such a question on “first passage time” is fundamental in stochastic process, and relevant to many practical applications.
While the problem for the Markovian case (memory free) is well documented in literature, the presence of memory effect makes the standard analysis intractable, leaving many open questions in non-Markovian cases. We propose a method to think about the first passage statistics based on the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics idea, i.e., Onsager’s regression hypothesis, and demonstrate that it enables us to calculate various quantities of interest for non-Markovian systems analytically.

This work is in collaboration with Y. Sakamoto (Aoyama Gakuin University)

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End of workshop

The Topological Soft Matter has concluded. It was an incredible experience interacting with exceptional scientists from various fields such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology. The discussions and perspectives shared during the conference were insightful and inspiring. I am honored to have organized this event (alongside Simon Weir and Valerio Sorichetti). Also, I am excited about the possibilities of fruitful collaborations, training schools, networking, and groundbreaking scientific research that may arise from this event.

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08/May/2023 Luca Tubiana (University of Trento, Italy)

Using movement data to analyze the effect of lockdowns and inform their implementation – the Italian case

While lockdowns are certainly effective in curbing the rise of infections, their imposition severely affects the life and health of citizens. For this reason, the extent of their deployment should be optimized both in time and space to minimize the number of people affected while guaranteeing the safety of the population. At the same time, contact-tracing initiatives can easily violate privacy laws, and are generally difficult to implement for a public administration. It is thus interesting to consider whether anonymized samples of social networks’ datasets still contain enough information to optimize the implementation of lockdowns. Starting from Facebook (FB) users’ movement data from META’s data for good program and publicly available data from the Italian Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), we show how a data-driven meta-population approach can be used to identify a spatial subdivision of a state that maximises movements within communities, while minimizing those outside of them. Specifically, we focus on the level of movements between provinces, administrative entities in between municipalities and regions. After verifying that FB movement data gives reasonable population density in each province, we show that a temporal clustering correctly identifies the first two national lockdowns without any prior information. Finally, by considering the most representative movement networks in both a lockdown and free-movement situation, we identify the optimal communities, i.e. macro regions that minimize the amount of traffic between them. Using two different approaches -modularity and resolution/relevance – gives largely comparable results, supporting the robustness of our findings.

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01/May/2023 Eric Chapman

Effect of bacterial diet on bacteriophage infection

Bacteria play a huge role in the human and natural world, for richer and for poorer. Their most well-known role being a pathogen. With the gradual reduction in antimicrobial efficacy, the promise of phage as a potential solution has gathered attention.
Bacteria are also able to rapidly develop resistances to bacteriophage through numerous pathways. Here I have investigated how the bacteria-bacteriophage system dynamics depends on environmental conditions. Escherichia coli, grown in a range of media with various carbon sources, were exposed to T1 bacteriophage. In all cases the bacteria developed a resistance to the phage at long times. However, the population dynamics of the system both post and during infection varied with both carbon source and the number of phage added. Long-read and short-read sequencing of surviving mutant bacteria was undertaken. These results suggest a coupling between carbon source and the progression of a bacterial populations response. These results contribute to the understanding of the dominant factors in the growth of phage which could result in significant differences between the rates of death and resistance development in vivo and in vitro due to differing environmental conditions.

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24/April/2023 James Richards

Soft matter lubrication

Friction between sliding surfaces has a great economic and environmental cost, with it leading to a third of a car’s fuel use and wasting 23% of global energy production. This has spurred development of highly loaded contacts with liquid lubricants. Lightly loaded surfaces, with a thick liquid film are considered inefficient, and even trivial. This situation is common in soft matter, from swallowing food, or applying skin cream, to ceramic extrusion and even in synovial joints. However, there are additional complexities such as texture (tongue papillae), a non-Newtonian fluid (skin cream), deformability or a combination of sliding and squeezing.

In this talk, I will explore how scaling theories, alongside experiments, can disentangle soft matter lubrication. For a textured surface, the delicate balance between shear and pressure-driven flows is highlighted, while squeeze flow beneath a flexible surface isolates the coupling between pressure-driven flow and deformation. Finally, I will touch upon how such approaches lead to the design of optimised non-Newtonian fluids.

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17/April/2023 Martin Lellep

Time-dependent dynamics of 3D states in viscoelastic pressure-driven channel flow

Dilute polymer solutions do not flow like Newtonian fluids. Their flows exhibit in- stabilities at very low Reynolds numbers that are driven not by inertia, but rather by anisotropic elastic stresses. Further increase of the flow rate results in a chaotic flow, often referred to as purely elastic turbulence. The mechanism of this new type of chaotic motion is poorly understood.
In this talk we present the first coherent state in purely elastic parallel shear flows. We consider a model shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid driven by an applied pressure gradient through two- and three-dimensional channels. By starting from a linearly unstable mode recently discovered by Khalid et al.1 at very large flow rates and very low polymer dilution, we demonstrate that this instability sub-critically connects to significantly higher values of polymer concentration and lower flow rates2, rendering these structures experimentally relevant The dynamics becomes unsteady upon embedding the 2D coherent state in a 3D domain, see Fig. 1 for an instantaneous snapshot, and the time-dependent dynamics is discussed. The characterisation of those 3D states suggests their strong connection to purely elastic turbulence.

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Physics of Life Conference 2023

The Physics of Life conference took place last week in Harrogate, UK. It was amazing to meet a lot of people in the community working on a wide range of interesting topics.
I presented a poster on our latest work “Modulation of DNA entanglements by a Nucleoid Associated Protein” that received positive feedback. Also, I enjoyed listening the keynote speakers. There were a lot of opportunities for networking, that I hope turn into future collaborations.

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27/March/2023 Bhanu Pratap Singh

From Membrane Binding to Function: Investigating the Importance of Anionic Lipids in Alpha-Synuclein Biology

Alpha-synuclein, a protein that is abundant in the brain, has been linked to several neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson’s disease. Lipids are crucial to the normal function of alpha-synuclein, as well as to the development of disease. In my research, I have investigated the initial interaction between alpha-synuclein and model lipid membranes, which involves membrane remodeling activity, with amyloid fibril formation occurring during longer incubation periods. I have examined the impact of various factors, such as the composition of model lipid membranes, protein variants, and the presence of molecules that remain bound to neuronal membranes under physiological conditions, on the outcome of this reaction. Using a combination of methods, including spectroscopy and microscopy, I have studied the interaction between alpha-synuclein and model lipid membranes. The results of these studies provide new insights into the role of lipids in the biology of alpha-synuclein and may contribute to the development of novel therapies for neurodegenerative disorders.

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Outreach preparation

We are preparing a Virtual Reality activity for the next Edinburgh Science Festival. Work spearheaded by an impressive MPhys student Kira 🙌. Hope to see you at the National Museum of Scotland this Wednesday 5 April. More information here

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20/March/2023 Benjamin Loewe

Functionalization of boundaries in active nematics: inclusions and confinement.

Active fluids and their spontaneous flows promise exciting new paths toward efficient transport phenomena and new autonomous materials. However, the fulfillment of this promise pends on finding effective ways to control them. In this regard, an auspicious avenue is the use of inclusions and confinement, which, in its simplest form, has led to the emergence of long-lived coordinated flows. Here we extend these efforts in two different ways: First, we show how combining custom anchoring conditions within nematic colloidal inclusions can lead to an effective self-propulsion. In particular, we show how the steering dynamics of such self-propulsion is intimately linked to the dynamics of a companion -1/2 topological defect. Second, by expanding to 3D channels, we show how confinement can lead to spontaneous helical flows that break chiral symmetry both locally and globally. As such, this work demonstrates the potential of confinement geometry to unravel complex but organized spatiotemporal structures in active liquid crystals, thus showing that they may present a path to functionality.

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AI, Engineering Biology & Beyond

This week I attended to the Turing workshop on AI, Engineering Biology & Beyond. It was very interesting to find how these fields have seen tremendous growth in recent years, with AI being increasingly adopted across every stage of the Engineering Biology design cycle and for a growing number of biological design tasks.

Alexander Pritzel from Deepmind (the company behind alpha-fold) was there.

Natalio Krasnogor explained their currrent efforts to create a data structure using DNA for data storage and computational purposes.

Cleo Kontoravdi mentioned how AI can be used to have a better control on processes for bioreactors to increase their yield.

… And many other interesting ideas. It seems to me that this is the future in the field and Edinburgh is one of the best places in the world to be part of this change (with plenty of opportunities for Theoretical/Computational Physicists).

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06/March/2023 Davide Michieletto

Single-Molecule Structure and Topology of Kinetoplast DNA Networks

The Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) is a 2D network of mutually inter-linked DNA minicircles found in Trypanosomes that heavily resembles an “Olympic gel”. Understanding the self-assembly and replication of this structure are not only major open questions in biology but can also inform the design of synthetic topological materials such as polycatenanes, dubbed as “the Holy Grail of Polymer Chemistry” by Nobel laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart.
In this talk I will present the first high-resolution, single-molecule study of kDNA network topology using AFM and steered molecular dynamics simulations. We accurately measure the spatial distribution of DNA in the network and quantify the distribution of valence of the minicircles. Additionally, we use sub-isostatic network theory to characterise the elastic Young modulus and bending stiffness of the network, and discover that they are 10^6 and 10^3 times smaller than the ones in typical 2D materials such as lipid membranes, thus rendering the kDNA the first example of a “ultra-soft” topological gel.
Our findings explain outstanding questions in the biology of kDNA and offer single-molecule insights into the properties of a unique topological material.

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27/Feb/2023 Dominique Laniel

Producing the Ultimate High Energy Density Material

Nitrogen is a truly unique element. As a diatomic molecule, N2, is extremely stable and features the strongest homoatomic bond. However, under the application of extreme pressures and temperatures, the N2 molecule breaks apart and nitrogen transforms into a 3D polymeric solid called cubic gauche polymeric nitrogen (cg-N). This solid, comprised solely of single-bonded nitrogen atoms, is the ultimate high energy density material. It can store and release about 10x more energy than the best compounds and is 100% environmentally friendly. A small problem remains: cg-N cannot be recovered to ambient conditions.

In this talk, we will explore a variety of experimental high-pressure high-temperature paths to produce alternatives to cg-N. An unexpectedly large zoology of nitrogen species is discovered, with many exotic and exciting properties, including materials highly energetic and fully recoverable to ambient conditions.

Room 2511 JCMB

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2023/Feb/20 Job Thijssen

Interfacial rheology – measuring mechanical properties of complex-liquid interfaces

In this presentation, I will introduce colloidal, micron-sized particles at liquid interfaces. These are interesting 2D model systems, but they are also interesting for (potential) applications e.g. particle-stabilized aka Pickering emulsions and bijels (bicontinuous Pickering emulsions). The mechanical properties of the particle-laden interfaces are challenging to measure, but they are important, for example to explain Pickering-emulsion stability. I will summarize some of our past and recent work on measuring and interpreting the mechanical properties of particle-laden liquid interfaces, including our recent development of ‘contactless’ interfacial rheology.

Today at 4:00 pm, back in JCMB room 2511.

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2023/Feb/13 Pamela Knoll

Biomimetic crystallization of biomorphs and chemical gardens: Understanding their formation and studying their self-motion

Abiotic crystallization is typically described by classical models to form geometric shapes with flat faces, sharp edges, and well defined angles. This is in stark contrast to crystallization routes used by living systems which instead grows smoothly curved shapes such as teeth, bone, and nacre. Such morphological distinctions have been applied to determine the biogenicity of structures found in ancient rocks. However, laboratory experiments in far-from-equilibrium systems are able to precipitate similar curvilinear morphologies previously only prescribed to living organisms thus blurring the line between structures derived from biotic and abiotic origins. The first example I will discuss is the crystallization of metal carbonate and silica microstructures known as “biomorphs”. They are composed of thousands of coaligned nanorods that self-organize into larger life-like shapes such as leaf-like sheets, helices, funnels, and flowers. At the nanoscale, the growing crystallization front forms from the addition of smaller nanodot building units that merge into the elongated rod shape. At the microscale, the pseudo two-dimensional sheet shape can be simulated using reaction-diffusion equations. Finally, the hierarchical ordering is extended into the centimeter scale with the merging of neighbouring biomorphs at the air-solution interface. The second example is chemical gardens. Formed from steep chemical gradients between a metal salt and a solution of silicate, the final result is hollow tubes which resemble filaments found in many geological settings. This quick and easy production process for generating tubes can be exploited by controlling the composition of the final material to create self-moving chemical gardens.

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Topological Soft Matter Workshop

We would like to invite you to the interdisciplinary workshop “Topological Soft Matter”, where we aim to bring together scientists from different fields working on soft materials in which topology is key. We want to offer the occasion to discuss and identify the main challenges in this exciting emerging field, to facilitate networking and to create fertile ground for new collaborations.

When? 10-12 May 2023
Where? Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh (UK).

All participants are encouraged to contribute with a poster.
The deadline for the poster abstract submission is 10 April 2023 at 13:00 GMT.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information, and to share this announcement with colleagues, and in particular junior researchers who might be interested.
We are looking forward to your participation,
The Organizers
Yair Fosado (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Valerio Sorichetti (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)
Simon Weir (University of Edinburgh, UK)

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2023/Feb/06 Chris Brackley

“Polymer physics of cancer genomes”

While every cell in our bodies contains the same genome, different sets of genes are active in different types of cell, and the “switching on and off” of specific genes must be tightly controlled as cells develop. Gene regulation is tightly related to the spatial organisation of the chromosomes within the cell nucleus. A number of physical mechanisms through which this organisation is controlled have been identified, and polymer physics models have proved extremely useful for understanding these. I will present recent work in which polymer models were used to understand genome rearrangements in cancer. There are several methods which the cell employs to repair the genome should the DNA get broken, however these sometimes do not work correctly, and genome rearrangements can arise. For example, two different broken chromosomes could get joined together; this changes the spatial organisation, disrupts gene regulation, and can give rise to disease. Our polymer simulations were able to predict the changes in gene expression which result from genome rearrangements commonly found in B-cell cancers, shedding light on this poorly understood process. The results also allowed us to identify specific sites on the DNA which drive oncogene overexpression after the rearrangement. We are now performing genome editing experiments which target these sites with a view to reversing the over-expression; this will provide new understanding which could eventually lead to new therapies.

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New papers

I am thrilled to share that two of our papers have been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters on the same day. What a happy coincidence.

The first one marks the first paper in my career in which we combine simulations, theory and experiments to shed some light on the biophysics of cells. All living cells have a problem, the environment where their DNA is stored is typically very crowded and entangled. In order to execute essential tasks such as gene expression and cell division, cells require DNA to be dynamic and to flow. Our findings suggest, for the first time, that bacterial proteins involved in DNA packaging may act as “rheology modifiers” in living cells and modulate the viscosity of their surroundings. Read more in PRL.

The second paper is part of a project that I started by the end of my postdoc in Japan (~2020) in which we tackle a  fundamental problem in DNA elasticity. Existing theories of suggest that the bending and twisting persistence lengths of DNA, two quantities related to the DNA stiffness, are constant (under constant salt, PH and temperature conditions). This was supported by single-molecule experiments performed with long DNA molecules. However, recent experiments have reported the high flexibility of short DNA fragments characterised with a short persistence length whose origin and relation to the existing models have been under active debate. In this work we provide a systematic description of the link between models of DNA elasticity at different length scales that helps to elucidate the length dependence elasticity of DNA, and with this, how bulk elastic properties emerge from base-pair fluctuations. Read more in PRL.

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2023/Jan/30 Andreas Hermann

First principles crystal structure prediction

The last 15 years have established crystal structure prediction from electronic structure calculations as a genuine tool for materials discovery, which can interpret, guide, and sometimes correct experimental findings. In this talk I will review how this came about, how and why structure prediction works, how and why it fails, and discuss some of the ongoing efforts to increase the method’s capabilities.

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2023/Jan/23 Christian Storm

How We Measure Pressure: Pressure Determination in Static High-Pressure Experiments

Advances in experimental design over the past few decades have dramatically increased the pressures accessible both with static and dynamic compression techniques. In tandem, techniques for measuring the pressure induced in a sample have evolved and continue to be developed to overcome the challenges faced when pushing matter into the ultra-high-pressure domain. I will provide a brief overview of the history of pressure measurement, explore current state of the art methods, and discuss the challenges involved in determining the pressure in diamond anvil cells at multi-megabar conditions.

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2022/Dec/05 Davide Marenduzzo

Intranuclear phase separation, and its role in transcription and gene regulation

Microscopy studies suggest that chromatin and its associated proteins often form phase separated droplets within the nucleus of eukaryotic organisms. I will discuss some possible biophysical mechanisms, suggested by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations and theory, underlying such intranuclear phase separation and microphase separation (arrested phase separation resulting in the formation of droplets of self-limiting size). I will also discuss potential functional roles of phase separation in transcription and gene regulation. We will see that these phenomena provide a way to quantitatively understand the elusive link between the 3D structure of a gene and its expression level,  and to predict the transcriptional activity of, in principle, any human gene.

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Impact talks

Recently, there have been a series of talks about ”impact” in the ICMCS institute in which I work. The idea is that researchers who have successfully translated their research into something useful for society, explain to collaborators how was their process to accomplish this.
In the most recent talk, Wilson Poon (a top physicist in soft condensed matter) explained how was his first approach with companies and also his journey to create the Edinburgh Complex Fluids Partnership
It was really inspiring!!
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2022/Nov/28 Giada Forte

Statistics and dynamics of plectonemes in braided structures

Braids composed by two intertwined filaments naturally arise in biological systems, such as during DNA replication [1] and in amyloid fibrils [2]. Interestingly, braids subject to a pulling force display a phase transition [3]: when the linking number between the two strands exceeds a critical number, the braid, initially straight, writhes in 3D forming structures known as plectonemes. Nowadays, single molecule experiments can easily investigate the physics behind such a transition and plectonemes diffusion along the braided structure [4].

In the last few years, we developed a polymer model which, combined with a stochastic field theory, allows to visualise plectonemes as structures interacting through phenomena typical of liquid-gas systems [5]. Moreover, a further application of the polymer model has allowed investigation into site-selection mechanisms of retroviruses into DNA braids revealing spatio-temporal correlations between consecutive integration events [6].

In this talk I will summarise our main results providing insights about polymer braids, their applications and possible future research areas.

[1] A. Mariezcurrena and F. Uhlmann. Genes & Development 31, 2151 (2017).

[2] C. Ionescu-Zanetti, R. Khurana, J. R. Gillespie, J. S. Petrick, L. C. Trabachino, L. J. Minert, S. A. Carter, and A. L. Fink. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96, 13175 (1999).

[3] G. Charvin, A. Vologodskii, D. Bensimon, and V. Croquette. Biophysical Journal 88, 4124 (2005).

[4] M. T. J. van Loenhout, M. V. de Grunt, and C. Dekker. Science 338, 94 (2012).

[5] G. Forte, M. Caraglio, D. Marenduzzo, and E. Orlandini. Physical Review E 99, 052503 (2019).

[6] G. Forte, D. Michieletto, D. Marenduzzo, and E. Orlandini. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18, 20210229 (2021).

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DNA as clay

This is just beautiful

“One of the most surprising (and thought provoking) feats of molecular engineering in this burgeoning area, is the construction by Nadrian Seeman and his coworkers at New York University, of giant (relative to most molecules), little (on the scale of macroscopic matter) stick figures, polyhedra and knots out of DNA.

Out of DNA? The idea seems wild -DNA is not your typical synthetic master sculptor’s clay. The notion also seems transgressive of natural order- to build geometric objects of no intrinsic value from genetic material. Let me face the second concern first, even before I show you the principles of this beautiful sculpture.

The nucleic-acid “system” that operates in terrestrial life is optimized (through evolution) chemistry incarnate. Why not use it? Not to make genetic manipulations of human DNA, which quite justifiably provokes ethical questions. But to allow human beings to sculpt something new, perhaps beautiful, perhaps useful, certainly unnatural. As beautiful and unnatural as a Schubert song or the American Constitution.”

DNA as Clay,
By Roald Hoffmann.

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Size Matters

“Although is a common public perception that the frontier of understanding in physical science lies at ever-smaller-scales, the truth is that barriers to our understanding of the material world tend to lie in the other direction: in the problem of scaling up”

Size Matters,
by Phillip Ball
Link to the article

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2022/Nov/21 Rory Claydon

Buckling instabilities in chaining bacterial colonies

Bacteria in the natural environment frequently grow as structured communities known as bacterial biofilms. The morphology of the colony is an emergent property, driven in part by the growth and activity of the constituents. Here, we are interested in the effect of pole-pole adhesion between constituents on the resulting colony dynamics and properties, in an effort to understand more about colonies of chaining bacteria such as \textit{Bacillus subtilis}. In this work, we investigate a 2D discrete element simulation of a growing bacterial colony composed of non-motile rod-shaped bacteria where daughter cells are able to `chain’ together with springs. We find that despite the simplicity of the model, the emergent dynamics and morphology of the colony are drastically altered. At small chain lengths, the classic mosaic of micro-domains is recovered where the colony is isotropic on large length-scales but locally is heterogeneous and composed of domains of aligned cells. As we increase the chain length, there is a crossover to a regime where the colony is able to collectively buckle, characterised by an oscillatory-type morphology and a peak in observable properties e.g. colony aspect ratio, density, micro-domain area etc.. Continuing to increase the chain length gives rise to the possibility of individual chains buckling due to active stresses within the chain overcoming the restoring elastic force of the links, leading to a winding, ribbon-like appearance of the colony and a collapse in the observable properties.

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2022/Nov/14 Ciprian Pruteanu

Supercritical Fluids – Not Quite So Indistinguishable

While the gaseous and solid states of matter are relatively well understood, and clearly distinguished by their lack of or presence of long-range order, a complete characterisation of the liquid state is still being debated. Generally, liquids have been thought of by analogy to gases, as an extreme case of non-ideal gases. The problem with this approach is that one can compress a fluid to reach densities comparable to those of the solid, which cannot be tackled by analogy to gases. Midway through the last century, Yakov Frenkel proposed a ‘Kinetic Theory of Liquids’, where he aimed to describe liquids by analogy to solids, leading to a more realistic but also significantly conceptually denser theory than traditional gas analogies. Due to the latter fact his theory was largely ignored by researchers without a particular interest in very high densities, i.e. the canonical liquids community. However, in 2012, a crossover was proposed to occur in supercritical and near-supercritical fluids (Brazhkin, PRL) between a non-rigid ‘gas’-like state and a rigid ‘liquid’-like state. This crossover, called a ‘Frenkel line’, was originally characterised by the onset of oscillations in the velocity autocorrelation function of fluids as density is increased. In this talk I will present our efforts concerning this topic, first finding a structural marker associated with the Frenkel line crossover, identifying correlated changes in the evolution of the nearest neighbour coordination number and diffusion constant and the use of a machine-learned interatomic forcefield positing this crossover to originate at the triple point and formulate an analytic criterion for it. I will talk about how a fluid state crossover can be coherently identified in both traditional fluids (Krypton, Nitrogen) as well as colloidal/micellar systems, and discuss whether this is related to the Frenkel line, the recently found ‘c’-transition (Brazhkin, PRE 2021) or if we can even call a continuous crossover a ‘line’.

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2022/Nov/07 Mikhail Kuzovnikov

Novel binary hydrides synthesized under high pressure

Metal hydrides are important materials for hydrogen and energy storage. High pressure is an effective tool for the synthesis of new hydrides, because it dramatically increases the Gibbs free energy of molecular H2, thus increasing its reactivity. With the discovery of superconductivity in H3S with a critical temperature of 203K at 150GPa considerable efforts of the high-pressure community were concentrated on the search of novel hydrogen-rich materials under high pressure. In this talk I will give a short overview of the ongoing progress, with a focus on the Zr-H, Ta-H, Gd-H, Rb-H and Cs-H systems.

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2022/Oct/31 Callum Stevens

Discovery of charge density wave order in 3D metallic U2Ti

We consider thermodynamic, transport and x-ray diffraction measurements supporting the formation of a previously unidentified charge density wave (CDW) phase of U2Ti. The CDW is incommensurate, forming at 71 K, and undergoes a commensurate transition at 46 K. This doubles the unit cell along the hexagonal c-axis in a Peierls-like transition as predicted from DFT calculations [1]. This is compared to the unusual CDW in α-U and motivates U2Ti as a simpler system to explore 3D metallic CDW formation.   Additionally, our measurements suggest that U2Ti is not bulk superconductor at ambient pressure in contrast to a previous study [2].

[1] Kaur, G., Jaya, S. M., & Panigrahi, B. K. (2018). Phonon instability and charge density wave in U2Ti. Journal of Alloys and Compounds730, 36-41.

[2] Maple, M. B., Torikachvili, M. S., Rossel, C., Chen, J. W., & Hake, R. R. (1985). Four new uranium compound superconductors. Physica B+ C135(1-3), 430-433.

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2022/Oct/24 Cleis Battaglia

Investigating the role of SMC proteins and CTCF in gene expression by HiP-HoP simulations of degron experiments

The three-dimensional organization of chromatin within the nucleus is highly interconnected with gene expression and crucial for cell function. It has been observed that SMC complexes play a key role in organizing the genome. Indeed, cohesin is able to extrude loops that stop at convergent occupied CTCF binding sites. However, the effect of cohesin and other loop extrusion regulatory factors on the transcriptional regulatory network of the cell has not yet been completely understood. 

In this work, we used simulations to investigate the roles played by loop extrusion driven by SMC proteins and regulatory factors such as CTCF and WAPL in shaping chromatin architecture. We also studied their effects on gene expression on a chromosomal scale. To obtain the results, we employed the highly predictive heteromorphic polymer (HiP-HoP) framework, which integrates polymer physics with bioinformatic data, to predict the effect of degrading each of these proteins in turn. 

Consistently with previous experimental results, we observe that the average transcriptional activity is not strongly impacted by loop extrusion by SMC proteins. Strikingly, the transcriptional noise (measuring the variability of gene expression in the cell population) is instead strongly affected by the removal of these regulatory factors. From our simulations, we are also able to relate these changes in the transcriptional pattern to the ones in 3D chromosomal and gene structure. 

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2022/Oct/17 Guest speaker Sebastien Michelin !!

Self-propulsion and interaction of chemically-active droplets

Chemically-active droplets slowly solubilizing in a surfactant-
laden solution can self-propel spontaneously as a result of the non-linear
transport of surfactant molecules and micellar compounds by thesolute-induced
interfacial flows. Many recent experiments have reported the intriguing
individual behaviour of these droplets. Furthermore, such droplets are
fundamentally anti-chemotactic : they avoid regions of solute accumulation
such as their own chemical trail and the vicinity of other droplets or
confining walls. In experiments on multiple-droplet interactions, this results
in complex avoiding trajectories. Motivated by these observations, we use
theoretical modeling and numerical simulations to rationalise these individual
and collective dynamics. In this presentation, I will discuss our recent work
on the nonlinear interplay of hydrodynamic and chemical interactions in
droplet collisions or self-propulsion in confined environments. In particular,
based on the analysis of the complete hydro-chemical interactions in a two-
droplet collision, I will show how such pairwise collisions may lead to the
emergence of a variety of collective dynamical regimes, as well as alignment
and scattering of the droplets.
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2022/Oct/03 Veronica McKinny

The Effect of Coagulation on Drying Blood Droplets

Blood is a mixture of biological colloids and polymers, the drying of which has been examined for some time. These experiments have all used anticoagulants such as EDTA and tri-sodium citrate to extend the lifetime and transportability of the blood by preventing coagulation, making it easier to perform laboratory experiments. While experiments using anticoagulated blood produce useful information for personalised medicine, they may be of limited relevance for the typical crime scene. To extend the usefulness of blood droplet research to real-life crime scenes where coagulation naturally occurs, this research explores the viability of reintroducing a coagulation-like process to samples containing anticoagulant via the addition of calcium chloride in order to examine how the process affects a change in droplet evaporation.

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2022/Sep/26 Joe Bradley

What can Differential Dynamic Microscopy do for you?

The dynamics of soft matter systems are key to their understanding, the dynamics themselves are of interest but can also provide information on the underlying physics and characterisation of the system. Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM) is a relatively new technique for studying these dynamics over a range of time- and length-scales. DDM has been applied to a wide range of systems in the literature with more published each week, however most experimentalists are not familiar with the technique. In this talk I will introduce DDM and provide an intuitive overview of how it works, before discussing several examples of DDM which highlight its strengths and concluding with an overview of other applications selected to align with interests of others in the school.

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New paper

Our new work is now out in Nucleic Acids Research. We compared different mechanisms to find the most efficient way in which type2-topoisomerase, an enzyme that “cuts” and “reseals” double-stranded DNA, finds and resolves DNA knots. Read more in NAR

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Kinetoplast workshop

Olympic gels are “mythological beasts” in soft matter and material science. Hypothesised by P.G. de Gennes in the 1980s by topologically interlinking ring-shaped polymers, they are extremely challenging to synthesise chemically. Recently, physicists realised that Olympic gels existed in nature for millions of years.
Discovered in the 1970s by a biologist, a “kinetoplast DNA” is the mitochondrial genome of blood sucking parasites called Trypanosomes. They carry deadly diseases with important health and economic consequences especially in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and South America. Beyond their impact on human health, Trypanosomes are fascinating unicellular organisms because of their complex life cycle and their unique mitochondrial genome which consists of covalently closed DNA rings forming a 2D flat sheet of interlinked rings and curiously resembling a medieval chainmail. How this unique structure came into existence is a question that has been puzzling biologists for decades but attracted the attention of bio and soft matter physics only in the last 5 years.
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