What is not to like about regeneration?

 and  wrote a short piece about regeneration for Manchester Policy Blogs, as part of a collaboration inspired by Postgraduate Forum in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (PF-STIS) workshop “What is at Stake?” in December 2017 at SPRU in Brighton.

The blog-post is available here:

What is not to like about regeneration? 

A Welcome

Dear Reader,

I am surprised you are looking at this, though who knows, maybe in time it will lead to something.

For now, -this is my first post – I am finally about to start a blog about my research, after hearing (too!) much about the importance of doing so in order to fight for your spot under the sun (and hopefully not in the Sun!) of today’s science media.

This is mainly going to be about my research into science, technology and innovation – focusing mostly on innovation from research facilities and primarily in Space and Astro technologies – but some other (related) stuff might end up appearing here as well.

Hope you find my writing as interesting (or more!) as I (hopefully) will.