I’ve heard many people say that it is easier to think of a dystopian scenario than a utopian one. I’ve also heard many people say that it is easier to write a good sad/angry poem than it is to write a good happy poem.
Even though we use the word Utopia for our events, I’m much more interested in the notion of utopia as a no-space or blank slate – I’d like to move away from good/bad, happy/sad, positive/negative – categories of judgement and, even in the context of feelings, the realm of the logical mind’s attempt to interpret experience, and go deep into the body. I want to encourage people to feel their way into the future. What future do you want? What future do you dream? What future does your heart want, your gut, your little toe?
When your grandchild is lying on their deathbed, what experience of the world do you want them to be remembering? When a person 200 years from now is writing in their journal, what do you imagine they might be writing?
Get up, do a little dance, have a little shake, look out the window, take a deep breath.
Then answer.