
The unano consortium exists to advance bionanotechnology research in Europe, having been kick-started by funding from the Una Europa alliance. Unano runs a monthly webinar series about bionanostructures and bionanomachines, enabling researchers across the globe to give talks on their current endeavours in the field. Anyone can attend our webinars, and the joining link and webinar programme are provided below.

The unano webinar series is co-hosted by Dr Katherine Dunn’s research group at the University of Edinburgh and Prof Jonathan Heddle’s group at Durham University. Lucy Epton at Durham is in charge of devising the webinar schedule, and if you are interested in giving a talk for us please contact her by email at lucy.epton@durham.ac.uk. James Dodd at Edinburgh is in charge of maintaining the blog and running the webinar platform and can be reached by email at J.Dodd-3@sms.ed.ac.uk.

January 2025 marked the kick-off of the unano webinar series, which expands on the previous webinar series run by Katherine’s group on the narrower theme of DNA Nanotechnology. That series was chaired and organised by Dr Matthew Aquilina initially and later James Dodd; more details (including recordings of some sessions) can be found here.

Next webinar: 3pm (UK time), 29th January 2025

Prior registration is not required. To join the webinar just click the link as (or shortly before) the webinar starts and type the name by which you wish to be known. If you join the webinar as a group please indicate this in your name, so we have some idea how big the audience is.

Webinar schedule

3pm, 29th January 2025:

James Dodd (University of Edinburgh): Title TBC

Greg Knight (Durham University): Title TBC

3pm, 26th February 2025:

Ho Yeung Chim (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): Computational design of small molecule-dependent cyclic oligomers

Göktuğ Aba (Leiden University Medical Centre): Inducing cancer cell killing using DNA nanostructure-mediated superclustering of death-receptors

3pm, 26th March 2025:

Mai P. Tran (Max Planck Institute): Title TBC

Zuza Pakosz-Stepien (Durham University): Title TBC

3pm, 30th April 2025:

Sara Garcia Linares (Complutense University of Madrid): Title TBC

Matthew Aquilina (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University): Crisscross origami

3pm, 28th May 2025:

Speaker 1 (University 1): Title TBC

Speaker 2 (University 2): Title TBC

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