Third Culture Kids’, families, teachers and school counsellor are invited to join an art event in collaboration with ‘Forces Children Scotland’ and the ‘Scottish Council of Independent Schools’. The audience will be able to explore their transcultural experiences through the use of the visual arts, such as drawing, painting and sculpting. The audience will be also able to engage in discussion and conversation to learn more about the transcultural experience from a psychological perspective. TCKs will also be given the opportunity to learn about the social science research process through engaging with a participatory research project, and become members of the Scottish TCK community.
What’s it about?
In collaboration with ‘Forces Children Scotland’ and the ‘Scottish Council of Independent Schools’, we will be hosting a hybrid-delivered art event. This event is for TCKs (<18 years) living in Scotland who are invited to take part in an in-person and online art activity to explore their transcultural identity and wellbeing using art (e.g., painting, drawing, sculpting). An online art exhibition will display the artwork, and generate conversation and awareness around the theme of identity and wellbeing within the TCK community. To facilitate open dialogue, TCKs, families and stakeholders (e.g., parents, teachers, school counsellors) will give a series of talks and presentations to share experiences relevant to the support of TCKs’ wellbeing. Through participating in this event, the audience will experience how they are able to positively contribute to the Scottish and global TCK community, and increase their sense of belonging.
Who’s leading the event?
Dr Laura Cariola, Lecturer in Applied Psychology University of Edinburgh. Laura Falconer, Forces Children Scotland. John Edwards, Scottish Council of Independent Schools.
Open to
Young people, Families, Teachers, Public
Of particular interest to
of particular interest to parents, teachers, and school councillors