Category: Second World War Conversations
As part of our ‘Second World War Conversations’ series, we are rounding off 2021 with a panel on the Global Serviceman. This discussion on the experiences of servicemen from Canada, Italy and the UK will feature papers from Professor Geoff Hayes, Dr Alex Henry and Dr Joel Morley, and will be facilitated by Dr […]
As part of our ‘Second World War Conversations’ series, we are hosting a panel on the Italian factor: the Mediterranean turning point. This discussion on the Italian government and Italian Armed Forces will feature papers from Dr Karine Varley, Dr Richard Hammond and Dr Marco Maria Aterrano, and will be facilitated by Professor Tobias […]
As part of our ‘Second World War Conversations’, we are continuing with a panel on visuals, news and propaganda in wartime Britain. This discussion is moderated by Wendy Ugolini. Jonathan Black will be speaking on wartime artist Eric Kennington, Grace Stephenson on British cinema newsreels, and Marc Wiggam on the British national press. […]
As part of our ‘Second World War Conversations’ series, we are beginning with a panel on East Asia. This discussion on East Asia is moderated by Felix Boecking. Andrew Levidis and Jeremy Yellen will be speaking on Japan’s empire and Odila Schroder on Japanese-occupied China. The panel will be taking place on […]
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