How to stay motivated in January

By Maisie, from England, studying Veterinary Medicine
Unlike many students, I remained in Edinburgh over the Christmas break. Family came and visited me instead, allowing me the opportunity to show them the city.
This meant that the transition into semester two has been a strange one: it feels like semester one only just finished, yet here I am sat in the library for the third time this week and with an exam next week?!
Adjusting to the weather
Edinburgh in January is tough; I can’t lie to you. The days are short and the wind is cold. If the sun ever makes an appearance it is blinding, preventing you from seeing anything. Despite this, it’s strangely beautiful.
As a vet student, my semester starts a week earlier than everybody else’s which has allowed me to have my pick of study spaces on campus (no fighting for a seat in the library – yay!)
Enjoying the sleepy city
Exploring the city has been a breeze it’s practically sleeping with the lack of people and tourists, and if my friends and I want to go and do anything there is always a space – no need to book in advance!
On top of the more chilled-out nature of the city at this time of year, at the vet campus we’ve been blessed with heaps of snow, which never fails to make you smile (although we may moan about it when stood freezing in a cow shed having just trekked through the snow to get there). .
Find joy in the little things
This bleak weather can take a toll on your motivation to get out of bed in the morning when you open the blinds to discover that it’s still dark at almost 8am!
As such it is important to keep wading forward and finding small moments of joy every day. This could be as simple as a trip to get a sweet treat, debriefing your Christmas break with friends or even just watching a movie.
Resist lurking in bed and support each other
It’s vital that we keep looking ahead and supporting each other when the will to study is low and the heating bill is high. Top tip: the library is always sweltering so instead of pretending to study in bed at home (the warmest place in your flat), head to the library where you might be productive (no guarantee though!)
To finish off this post, I think it’s important to remember that although it may not seem like it, the warmer days will come, and before they get here, we need to look after ourselves and each other.
My top tips to stay motivated in January
I’ve made a list of top things to do to keep motivation to study at a high when realistically, all anyone wants to do is rot in bed all day:
- Study with friends – this can be individually in silence but if you decide to go to the library together the chances you actually get there are much higher!
- Set time limits – Plan to go to the library from 9am to 4pm, for example, then have a movie night with friends to relax afterwards
- Exercise! I know you don’t want to leave the flat when it’s this cold but it will make you feel better. Go for a walk, to the gym, join a sport society or even climb Arthur’s seat (on a crisp, cold, clear day the views are beautiful!)
- Find something that brings you joy!
- Remember, you are not alone. Use your friends to support you or reach out for support from the Uni if you’re really struggling.
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