A week as a Business Student (Competitions, Part-time Work, Societies)

Reading time: 3 minutes
by Rowetta, from Edinburgh, studying International Business, 2nd year
Wonder how to balance your academics with part-time work and socials, or what life is like as a society committee member or part of societies? Hopefully my week will give you an insight into this! I will take you along for a week in February, giving you a glimpse of University life as an undergraduate International Business student (do note I love a filled day so this week is jam-packed!)
- 10am-5pm: Work – I work as a front-of-house staff and at a takeaway for around 28 hours a week. I find balancing part-time work with University manageable and enjoyable. Although, it can get quite challenging during assignment periods as prioritisation and time-management skills become essential. I recommend applying to shift tutorial times to personalise your timetable and blocking out your time (including for yourself) to ensure you are on top of deadlines!
- 5pm-8pm: Dinner out – A family friend visited from Manchester over the weekend to celebrate Chinese New Year with us and today was her last day so we enjoyed a dinner together at All Bar One!
- 8pm- onwards: Revision/content-creating – I researched for my Marketing group project, economic essay, as well as created some content for my role as Marketer in the Indonesian Society (Indosoc). Setting personal deadlines is very useful and starting early on projects will certainly reduce future stress! (although easier said than done)
- 11am-12pm: International business tutorial
- 12pm-1pm: Lunch
- 1pm-2pm: Marketing lecture
- 2pm-3pm: Economics lecture – I like to have my classes early and find myself more focused if they’re one after the other but it definitely requires a slight rush in between! There is lots of flexibility in my degree in terms of electives and I recommend trying new interests in different subject areas which broadens your horizons and introduces you to new aspects and people!
- 3pm-5pm: Committee meeting – Being part of a committee requires time and commitment but it is rewarding to see events come to life as well as play a role the University. You gain so many skills, experience, and a greater network too!
- 5pm-7pm: Hip-hop dance rehearsal – I am in the competition teams as part of the EUMDS dance society. Do try out as many societies as you’re interested in as I have met so many great people through them.
- 7pm-9pm: Dinner and revision in the library – I recommend preparing lunch/dinner at home if you have a long day ahead which saves costs and satisfies my love for cooking!
- 9pm-11pm: Ballet dance rehearsal
- 10am-11am: Economics lecture
- 11am-12pm: Valentines brunch – I met friends for Valentine’s brunch at the City Cafe and we had gifts for each other which was very wholesome!
- 12pm-1pm: Marketing lecture
- 1pm-2pm: Socialising
- 2pm-3pm: Marketing tutorial
- 3pm-4pm: Friend visiting – A friend from Oban visited today and we had a lovely walk across the meadows catching up
- 4pm-5pm: Group study – I studied with friends in 40 George Square and one of them brought roses for Valentine’s which was so sweet! The University has lots of great study spaces with my favourite being the Business School!
- 5pm-onwards: Dinner and study – I focused on lecture notes and assignment research today
- 10am-5pm: Work
- 5:30pm-7pm: Edinburgh Award coaching session – The University offers lots of opportunities for career paths, internships, and awards, one of which being the Edinburgh Award! My coaching session today involved reviewing our progress and future actions to reach our development in our chosen skills.
- 7:15pm-9pm: Wildcard dance rehearsal
- 9:30am: Post office trip
- 10am-11am: Economics lecture
- 11am-12pm: International business lecture
- 12pm-1pm: Economics tutorial
- 1pm-4:30pm: Home and packing – I usually work in the evenings over the weekend but this weekend I am competing in Newcastle as it is competition season for EUMDS!
- 4:30pm-6:30pm: Coach travel
- 6:30pm-onwards: Newcastle – We arrived at Newcastle and settled into our hostel before grabbing dinner at Nandos. Newcastle is a lively and modern city and being in Edinburgh gives you great lines to cities across the UK so it’s very easy to travel and sightsee!
- 6:30am: Makeup and prep
- 8am-7pm: Dance competition – Lots of universities across the UK come together to compete across numerous categories ranging from contemporary, wildcard, improv, and more! Performing is so thrilling and I love watching other teams dance as well. The day consisted of rehearsing, performing, and (basically) losing my voice cheering for our teams. I also had a chance to explore the city as I visited the Laing Art Gallery, Central Arcade, Grainger Market, and the Tyne Bridge by the Quayside. Edinburgh did so well at the competition, I couldn’t be more thrilled and proud! We placed in every single category and on top of that got Judges Choice and Best Choreography!
- 7pm-10pm: Back to hostel
- 10pm- onwards: Social – The team had pre’s together before we headed to the dance social with the other universities. Danced the night away and ended it in Taco Bell…
- 9am-11:30am: Bus to Edinburgh
- 12pm-4pm: Home – I took a nap and relaxed for the day
- 4:30pm-10:40pm: Work
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