Year: 2021
The STAY-SAFE team are pleased to announce an online colloquium where will discuss the implications of the STAY-SAFE project. Places are now available for ‘Include Me: Supporting shared decision making in forensic settings’ on Wed, 10 November 2021, 09:30 – 11:30 GMT. This will be an interactive session discussing applications to practice and ideas for […]
Data collection came to an end in July. We would like to thank all of the nurses and patients who helped us with the STAY-SAFE project and took the time to trial Talking Mats in a forensic setting. We are now at the point of data analysis and writing up our findings. All of the […]
A special thank you to colleagues in NHS Fife who, despite the challenges of the pandemic, have gives us their time to attend training and record their use of Talking Mats™ so that we might learn how to adapt them for use in forensic LD settings. Since February we have been working to start our […]
Over December and January, Sam has been progressing interviews with LD nurses working in a forensic setting. We have been exploring what issues of risk and safety are relevant in the treatment of patients with a learning disability. On 4th February, SLT Susan Gowland delivered the first of two training days to our cohort of […]
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