Science Mini-Lessons
Science Pupil Mini-Lesson for Student Teachers 1
University of Edinburgh – Newbattle High School, October 2019
Pupils from Newbattle High School delivered Science Mini-Lessons for PGDE student teachers at the University of Edinburgh, covering topics such as the Big Bang and explosions in space, followed by a group discussion.
Explosions In Space
How Do You Like To Learn?
Different Teaching Styles
Science Pupil Mini-Lesson for Student Teachers 2
University of Edinburgh – Newbattle High School, November 2019
Pupils from Newbattle High School delivered further Science Mini-Lessons for student teachers from the MSc Transformative Learning and Teaching course. This time, topics such as the Big Bang and explosions in space were covered, followed by a group discussion.
PGDE Science Students Mini-Lessons for Pupils
University of Edinburgh – Newbattle High School, December 2019
It was the turn of PGDE student teachers at University of Edinburgh to deliver mini-lessons for pupils, based on the information they had received from pupils about how they like to learn. The lessons covered topics like the science of chocolate and microbes infection.
Science of Chocolate Experiment
Pathogen Experiment
Feedback From Pupils