Happy New Year to all of our followers! 2018 is the Year of Young People in Scotland and our team is excited to celebrate. First up will be our exhibition, Growing Up With Books, which will open on Children’s Day (June 1st) 2018 at Edinburgh’s Museum of Childhood.
We have been busy planning this exhibition for the last few months, with each team member taking responsibility for one case. We have shortlisted the books we want to be in the exhibition, and have been trying to decide how to best display them.

As part of the exhibition, we will also be publishing a catalogue that will be available at the Museum of Childhood. A few months ago we took some of our favourite books on an excursion to Edinburgh University Library to have some photographs taken. Soon we will be finalising the text that will accompany these beautiful photographs and we are very excited to get the catalogue printed.
The team is also delighted to announce that we will be organising a series of events alongside Growing Up With Books. There will be something for everyone, from storytelling to crafts to a conference. The conference, which will take place in November 2018, will feature representatives from the museum sector and academia to bring together these two areas in innovative ways.
All in all, it is set to be a fantastic year, and we hope you will join us and become involved in the Year of Young People and Growing Up With Books! All the best and – again – Happy New Year from the SELCIE team!
This post written by Danielle