Today it was time for some of our favourite finds to have a little photoshoot! For our exhibition, Growing Up With Books, which will open at Edinburgh’s Museum of Childhood on June 1st (International Children’s Day) 2018, we are producing an exhibition catalogue. Over the last few weeks, our team members have been choosing some of their favourite items to feature in this catalogue.

Today we took these items on a little trip down the road to the Centre for Research Collections in Edinburgh University’s Main Library.

There we had them photographed for the catalogue, which involved some heavy duty equipment! Some of these books haven’t seen light like this in a long time!

We are very excited to be moving forward with the catalogue and the exhibition, which will feature these special items, and even more! Keep your eyes peeled for more sneak peaks as we continue planning! For now, here is one of the big books that will feature in Growing Up With Books:

This post written by Danielle