Happy New Year! We thought we would start off 2017 with a closer look at this 1759 edition of A Description of Three Hundred Animals. We were very excited to find this lovely book on a trip to the Museum of Childhood’s stores late last year. Alongside the descriptions it features some amazing illustrated animals.

Many of the animals are quite charming, like this duck and his friends:
There are also some strange ones, such as this chameleon that looks like a monkey:
Even stranger is the elephant with human toes:
Our hands-down favourite, however, had to be ‘an unicorn’, which is featured right at the start of the book, alongside the rhinoceros!
We find a lot of nineteenth-century treasures in the stores, and have found some eighteenth-century gems in the past as well. However, this one will remain a firm favourite. Nothing beats finding an unicorn!
This post written by Danielle