Monday, 31 March 2025
14.00-15.00 BST – Zoom Webinar (Register via Eventbrite here)
Egle Renata Trincanato Uncelebrated Venice
Dr Angelo Maggi
Dr Angelo Maggi
Angelo Maggi is associate professor of Architectural History, History of Photography and History of Architectural photography at Università Iuav di Venezia (IUAV). He earned his PhD in Architecture and Visual Studies at the Edinburgh College of Art (ECA). His teaching in Italy and abroad and his recent work has revolved around the study of architectural photography, analysing themes relative to representation understood as a tool of architectural history investigations. He is full member of the PhD School in History of the Arts (Ca’Foscari University Venice) from 2010 and he is acting as Vice-Rector IUAV for International Relations. Along with his sole-authored book Rosslyn Chapel an Icon through the ages (2008), Maggi has widely written books and essays. His latest book G.E. Kidder Smith Builds. The Travel of Architectural Photography (2022) was awarded with the 2024 SAH Exhibition Catalogue Award from the Society of Architectural Historians.