Superivsor Meeting #3
I just finished my third meeting with my supervisor yesterday and am feeling very excited to get into the main part of research for my final project. We discussed my plan of action as of now which consists of researching past methods that have been used in creating armed conflict models both globally and regionally and how these methods have changed over time. After giving an overview of conflict forecasting models in general, I shared that I thought it would be a good idea to focus on a specific type of conflict event which will be that of cyber-attacks. I am mostly excited about this because of how novel these types of attacks are and the lack of definitive research that has gone into predicting when they will happen. Through the reading I have done so far, there are forecasting systems already in place for smaller and less harmful versions of cyber-attacks but these short term models that can only predict attacks minutes or hours before they take place. I am interested in models that could potentially predict cyber conflict months or possibly years in advanve, giving those that would be effected time to prepare and combat these attacks.
We also talked about the ethics form and how I should be filling that out, but it seemed pretty straightforward as I will not be involving any participants in my research and most of the data involved does not include any identifiable variable of individuals. However, not certain yet, but I may analyze extremist/terrorist posting on social media platforms as a potential recommendation for an indicator in these conflict forecasting models.