Weeks 4 and 5 were umbrella’d by being assigned and coordinating a meeting with my supervisor, who I formally met with at the start of Flexible Learning Week. While it’s certainly strange to be thrown together with a (near) stranger who will be such an influential force on a project that will take up a significant chunk of my time and become a defining period of, at the least, my stay in the UK, I was hopeful going into the meeting and continue to be so now. My supervisor had a number of helpful references for me that explore avenues that I hadn’t considered yet (and also triggered a minor imposter syndrome crisis, because can I really consider myself an academic if I can’t list literary theories and their major contributing researchers off the top of my head?) and I came out of the meeting feeling like she understood what I find exciting about my idea. She was accommodating of my learning style and open about what she couldn’t help me with, but with recommendations of who maybe could. I now have another half dozen books to stack onto my ever-growing research pile, but I’m pleased with how the meeting went and motivated to give this project my all – for myself, of course, but also, now, for other people.