Writing Speculative Fiction was my last intensive of the first semester and one that I most expected to be on familiar ground with. Writing courses were my bread and butter during undergrad, and the intensive reminded me of how much I enjoy workshopping and why I got started getting writing degrees in the first place.

While I didn’t necessarily learn a lot of new information, I was reminded that I very much enjoy challenging writing tasks. What caught my attention for my own speculative short story assignment was the challenge of exploring points of view. Finding new ways to express ideas and making constraints work for me was a huge part of the charm.

Also, kudos to the Janes (and Alex) for taking the time to explain expectations and grading to us, in detail, for the first time since we’d all started at EFI. It took a lot of anxiety and uncertainty out of the assessments and made subsequent submissions easier to manage.

The Writing Speculative Fiction intensive felt familiar in the best way. I’m excited to get to play around with science fiction genres in my final project and to see how far I can take the associated narrative possibilities.