About the Collective Project

This week’s focus was centered on the group’s collective project; we identified the format of the group’s project as an annual art project, so I carried out my research into annual projects.

Firstly, I focused on the Freshfields Art Programme: Annual Exhibition 2022; I learned that the 2022 Freshfields Art Programme annual exhibition is an exhibition of over 90 works on paper over 11 floors. Curated in collaboration with the Freshfields Arts Council and the BAN Networking Group, the exhibition aims to inspire dialogue and personal growth by exploring themes such as the ethics of artificial intelligence, modern culture, climate change, connection, and mental health. In addition to visual art, the exhibition format includes interviews, films, artist talks, workshops, and virtual tours that provide immersive cultural experiences. The mission of the Freshfields Art Project is to use the arts as a catalyst for fostering empathy, understanding, and new perspectives, enriching the work environment by facilitating dialogue, reflection, and growth (Freshfields, 2022).

The website of the Freshfields Art Programme


In the course of the seminar, Ruochen students from our group researched the 2020 Taipei Biennale and provided the theme and structure of the Taipei Biennale, 2020 Taipei Biennale” is co-curated by French philosopher Bruno Latour and curator Martin Guinard, and the curator of public programs is Yi-Hua Lin. While the curatorial team was working on the exhibition, the raging epidemic forced the exchange of people and goods across the planet to a virtual standstill. The fact that this large-scale international exhibition was able to run on schedule makes it all the more valuable and underscores the importance and urgency of its theme – “You and I do not live on the same planet.” The Taipei Biennale unfolds as a group exhibition, encompassing exhibition practices, Prints, collaboration with Eflux Publications, public projects (workshops, theatre, seminars, talk events), guided tours, screenings, projections, and other forms of activity. These formats are helpful for our collective projects and structure.

The website of the 2020 Taipei Biennale


Although the themes of the two annual programs are different, they both raise or address social issues through the arts. What we can learn from the two are their different forms and ways of engagement: the Freshfields Art Project uses a variety of mediums, such as workshops, films, and virtual tours, with the aim of enriching the workplace by integrating cultural dialogue. Taipei Biennale: Offering a holistic approach to cultural engagement, including workshops, screenings, and collaborations, the Taipei Biennale remained focused on public participation despite the challenges posed by the epidemic. They suggest a referenceable direction for the objectives of our collective projects.




Art Acumen. (2022). Freshfields Art Programme: Annual Exhibition 2022. Available at:https://artacumen.co.uk/project/freshfields-art-programme-annual-exhibition/ [Accessed at:10 April 2024].


Art Acumen. (2022). Freshfields Art Programme: Annual Exhibition 2022. [photograph]. Available at:https://artacumen.co.uk/project/freshfields-art-programme-annual-exhibition/ [Accessed at:10 April 2024].


Taipei Biennial. (2020). Guided Tours – Taipei Biennial 2020. Available at: https://www.taipeibiennial.org/2020/en-US/Project/Event_List#guidetour [Accessed at:10 April 2024].


Taipei Biennial. (2020). Guided Tours – Taipei Biennial 2020. [photograph]. Available at: https://www.taipeibiennial.org/2020/en-US/Project/Event_List#guidetour [Accessed at:10 April 2024].