Week 6

Gamifying Historical Narratives

Gamifying historical narratives was an extremely interesting module to undergo. It really developed my knowledge of different gaming forms and gaming, particularly all the details of game development, which was something I had little knowledge of previously. It was extremely valuable to get a glimpse of the gaming industry from insiders.

The questions game developers and historians ask in the development of games and investigation and handling of history was a central part of this module. I think these questions will inform the questions I ask myself in the development of my futures project and the academia was extremely important and interesting.

For the assignment we formed groups and designed games before writing a reflection. Our group decided on an RPG which combined the French Revolution and cyberpunk. This meant that I could really draw on and refresh my knowledge of cyberpunk, which I focused on largely in my undergraduate dissertation. I will definitely bring elements of this into my final project.

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