My projects for Art in Practice 1 explored themes of defamiliarization, 3D portraiture, anthropomorphism, the everyday, and the relationship between light and fungi. I researched artists who work with similar themes and processes, guiding the development and direction of my work while also inspiring me to consider installation methods and how they impact the way my work is received by others. Additionally, I supplemented my research through visits to local exhibitions at both the National Galleries of Scotland and smaller independent shows, including ‘Stinkhorn’ by Chris Coatham and Joel Davidson at the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, as well as non-gallery presentations of art (e.g. the Blackpool Illuminations for my 3D portraiture). My projects interweave and reflect my personal interests through my choice of subject, such as overlooked details, everyday actions, local undervalued birdlife, fungi, and references to popular culture.
I developed my primary research through collecting photographic material and videos; this is especially evident in my video project, during which I took numerous videos of pigeons and seagulls to montage in various formats. Likewise, I took my own references of fungal growths to inspire paintings and clay sculptures using DSLR, phone cameras, and microscopic photography.
Furthermore, I have engaged with various processes of production, including oil/oil pastel painting, clay sculpture, plaster casting, videography, lino-printing and mixed media installation, which has significantly broadened the experimentation in my artistic practice.
For the studio review, I presented my work how I would in a gallery space. This became particularly ambitious with my light project, which involved utilising the dark room, lighting the work with a projection of firefly-like light and playing audio to create a more immersive experience.
Overall, I am pleased with the direction my practice has taken this year and look forward to how this continues to develop in the next 3 years.
Link to blog:
Ellena Dallas / Edinburgh College of Art (2023-2024)
Project 1:
Project 2:
Project 3:

Project 4:
Project 5: