This week, I received the script for Felicity’s film A Silent Dance. Below, I will attach a script treatment based on what I noticed for set design. I made highlights based on props/decoration, the inspiration/aesthetics, the location/set aspects, and where/what a prop or decor is doing. Here is the script treatment:

Script Treatment (Art Dep. 4 Fliss’ film)

Through reading the script, I learned that the plot is largely motivated by the setting, as Darcy’s and June’s rooms are a reflection of their minds, and largely indicate the titular theme, of a “dance” between them copying each other.

While I was also provided a prop list, the script shows me which props/aspects of the set design are most important to the story. The pieces I noticed were of significance to Darcy were the clock, the photos, the soup cans and spoon, and the camera. For June, the mirrors are an essential part of her room and character.

I will list the inspirations that were mentioned below:

  • James Webb Telescope 2023 photo
  • Expressionist paintings, artists such as Rothko, Rita Ackerman, and Mary Abbott
  • The aesthetic of Darcy’s room was largely cluttered, messy, and chaotic

Next week I will delve into these inspirations further, as well as additional inspirations provided outside the script by the director, Felicity.

The locations were scarce, and only included two rooms: Darcy’s and June’s. This reflects the focus on these characters and their relationship with not only eachother but these specific settings.

The script emphasizes how vital the set and set design is to the core of the film, and I am excited to continue to work on the set design and see the final product at the end.