
In December of 2023, the first year film and television students were shown film pitches for senior productions. The pitches outlined the plot of each film, and also listed crew positions that still needed to be recruited. We then had the opportunity to meet the project leaders in a series of speed interviews, where we expressed interest in the films we wanted to work on, and presented our experience. I followed up each interview with an email containing links to projects I have worked on as a small sample of my work, and reiterated my interest.  I was offered the job of Production Assistant for Martha Roseweir’s film, ‘The Long Way Home’, which I accepted. I have limited experience in pre-production roles, so I conducted some research into what this job would require. I was also offered the position of Assistant Editor in Kristína Bujnová’s film, ‘The First Swallow’. This will also require research as I have only recently started using Adobe Premiere Pro, the editing platform that will be used.

Organisation and Communication

Martha Roseweir and Kristína Bujnová both set up points of communication on WhatsApp, and arranged meetings to introduce the other crew members in our departments. On the 18th of December we had a zoom meeting for the production team working on ‘The Long Way Home’. This was productive as we all introduced ourselves, and then started working on a to-do list and a rough timeline. This will be refined during our second meeting on the 26th of January. I also had a meeting with Kristína Bujnová and her co-editor, Jack. In this meeting we outlined a schedule which aims to have a rough cut of the ‘The First Swallow’ done by late March. Both Kristína and Martha shared a copy of their project folders, so that we could look through them in preparation for our roles.

The Long Way Home

In preparation for my role as production assistant on Martha Roseweir’s film, I conducted some research into the responsibilities associated with the job. According to the National Careers Service, the role often includes hiring equipment, updating and distributing documents, managing financial accounts and dealing with any accommodation or travel arrangements when necessary. As ‘The Long Way Home’ is being filmed in Aberdeenshire, finalising travel plans and finding out dietary requirements will be particularly relevant to this production team. During our production meeting on the 26th of January, we will have a discussion with Martha to delegate tasks amongst the production assistants, and create a timeline of when these will need to be completed.

The First Swallow

During my meeting with Kristína Bujnová, we discussed the responsibilities that will be associated with my role as assistant editor. I am going to help sort through footage, provide ideas when needed, and be available to help Kristína and Jack on any other tasks that can be delegated. Wanting to prepare further, I looked into the expectations of an industry professional assistant editor. According to Screen Skills, a company dedicated to educating those interested in entering the film industry, an assistant editor is expected to label files and perform tasks such as “simple cutting, editing and sound syncing”. This aligns with my expectations for the role. To further prepare I will need to spend some time familiarising myself with Adobe Premier Pro, so that I can be as helpful and efficient as possible.



This week we had a masterclass with 1st AD Stuart Cadenhead. He gave insight into the expectations associated with the role, and he showed us some examples of his work such as his upcoming project No Way Up (2024). I took some notes from his presentation, but compiled his advice into five main takeaways:

  • Things can change in pre-production that affect the shoot and schedules – constant communication is necessary
  • Communication between departments is key
  • Preparation is the most important thing for a shoot, as well as contingency plans
  • You may have to make compromises for the sake of scheduling and the budget
  • Word of mouth and recommendations serve as the main source of work



Articles referenced: