When asked about the difference between group shows and solo exhibitions, from the reply of the curator of the Talbot Rice Gallery, “fairness” is the keyword in a collective project. It refers to the limited gallery spaces being distributed equitably to respective artists. In the context of our collective project, it points to the juxtaposition and consideration of the dynamic interaction between related curatorial elements such as the time arrangement mentioned by JL.


Having different contemporary themes and dispersive exhibitory locations, I relate our seemingly disjointed positions in the group project with an experimental curatorial project executed by the Chinese curator Feng Boyi The Domino Plan In The Space/空间的多米诺计划 (2009) and adopt its methodology as our curatorial scheme through contemporary re-contextualization and reinterpretation. Initiated in 2009, the curator brought in 9 different artists who focus on diverse artistic approaches and mediums (Art.China, 2009). Feng conducted a “3+3+3” strategy in which artists were assigned to install works in consecutive orders, through which the latter would have to make adjustments to the layout to be compatible with the overall exhibitory structure (Feng Boyi, 2024).


According to Feng, artists are dominoes that perform diverse artistic gestures in the exhibition. Borrowing the conception to reflect on our collective narratives, Edinburgh will be the first stage that initiates the show and it will go on and pass to another city, within which the curatorial project as dominoes will be swapped, changed or replaced during the procedure. Much like the concept of mondialité developed by Édouard Glissant, wherein the notion of the archipelago symbolizes an interconnected platform for exchange and sharing (Kontova & Obrist, 2017), the suggestion from Adam is to expand the continuity of knowledge and experience with the incipient domino project and further involve into a broader network. With the same spirit, Hans Ulrich Obrist reflects on his curatorial practices by stating that “exhibitions are learning systems (Lynn, 2011)”. It is our aspiration that the domino project embodies this concept, establishing a system that fosters collaboration, and dialogue, and seeks junctures in a global age.


Figure 1. The poster of The Domino Plan In The Space (2009). Image from the memoir of the curator /I’m with the Future in Front of Me: Feng Boyi’s Curatorial Past/我与前面的未来在一起:冯博一策展往事 (2024).

Figure 2. Invitation of The Domino Plan In The Space/空间的多米诺计划 (2009). Image from I’m with the Future in Front of Me: Feng Boyi’s Curatorial Past/我与前面的未来在一起:冯博一策展往事 (2024).

Figure 3. The front and back cover of the Zine of The Domino Project I design for the group.

Figure 4. The template I design for the group. Each member will then use the template to design the page of their own project and then I will compile all the content to be the final work.

(words: 337)


Art.China (2009) 空间的多米诺计划/The Domino Plan In The Space. Available at: http://art.china.cn/tongzhi/2009-06/02/content_2936811.htm (Accessed: 20 March 2024).

Domino Plan In The Space/空间的多米诺计划 (2009) [Exhibition]. China. June 6, 2009 – August 30, 2009.

Feng Boyi (2024). I’m with the Future in Front of Me: Feng Boyi’s Curatorial Past/我与前面的未来在一起:冯博一策展往事. 1st edn. Beijing, China: Peking University Press, pp. 261-293.

Kontova, H. & Obrist, H. U. (2017) The Better Biennale.International ed. Vol. 50. Milan: Giancarlo Politi Editore.

Lynn, V. (2011) Curators on the move Hans Ulrich Obrist in conversation with Victoria Lynn.Art and Australia. 49 (2), 241–245.