About me
My name is Slma Bahuwayrith, and I am from Saudi Arabia. Currently, I am pursuing a MA in Interior, Architecture, and Spatial Design. In the future, I would like to conduct in-depth research on topics relating to the relationship between man and nature and environmental protection.
Regarding my interest in environmental design:
There are several reasons I am interested in environmental design. Firstly, as a designer I want to protect the planet and its biodiversity, as well as provide a better future for our children, which is why I am interested in environmental design. The fact that it encompasses an array of comprehensive fields, including architecture, urban planning, landscape design, interior design, and many other disciplines, is one of the reasons why it is so powerful. In order to achieve this objective, it is essential that the design of the project is carried out in such a way that minimal effects will be caused on the environment, that resources will be conserved, and that a fair and equitable society will be promoted. In order to achieve the dream of an elevated quality of living, it is imperative to understand the role of sustainable interior design in enlightening and broadening an individual’s horizons so that they retain the desire to live with meaning. There is always hope in a world of uncertainty, and one positive action can have a profound impact. It is our duty as humans to preserve and spread harmony around the world and to be responsible for our actions, so we can enjoy this wonderful gift. The interior design industry can be developed and maintained in an environmentally friendly way. Together, we can make a difference in these diverse regions through our participation. It is my intention, in this blog and future blogs, to discuss, analyze and illustrate the importance of sustainability in interior design. I will also discuss its applications, and consequences for the environment’s future. In order to achieve such a promising outcome, sustainability must be understood as a matter of high priority in interior design in order to enhance human life quality. As we move forward, the interior design industry should consider environmentally friendly products and recycled materials in response to global environmental crises.
This is a promising first post, Slma. I found it particularly compelling that you noted how an environmental design approach must also ensure that ‘a fair and equitable society will be promoted’. One point I’d encourage you to further unpack in some critical depth is how all the very positive intentions you outline here could begin to be achieved, so that they don’t remain abstract ideals?