
Nice to meet you!

My name is Jude, welcome to my blog!

I will be using this website to reflect critically on my group project, ‘Face to Face: a Dialogue on the University of Edinburgh’s Skull Collection’, in partnership with University’s Anatomical Museum (2022-23).

Here is a little more about me:

My Background:

I am currently 24 years old, I am from Livingston and my pronouns are they/she.

  • I began my academic career with an interest in fine art and painting, however via the artistic study of the human body through life drawing, I became interested in anatomy which followed onto medical illustration and curation in science museums.
  • I have worked as a member of a curating team in the past. Especially during my undergraduate degree at the University of Dundee, where I was on the student curatorial team for the Cooper Gallery, a space for contemporary art in the city centre.
  • I really enjoy drawing and digital 3D modelling. Two skills which came in handy over the course of this project when putting together promotional material.

3D artwork created during my first degree at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Already in my undergraduate degree, I was fascinated with human bones and anatomical structures. I like to think of my master’s degree as a continuation of this interest.


What am I up to just now?

  • As well as this course I have also taken option courses in both Indigenous Histories as well as Scottish Art at the University of Edinburgh. I have found that these two courses have been instrumental in giving me skills to apply to this project. These include how to think about representation in media, how to analyse historical texts critically and how important language can when recounting under-represented stories from the past.
  • I am taking an internship in reprographics at the University library. Through this I have gained skills in graphic communication and printing which have helped a great deal in the promotion of our group’s skull collection event.
  • I am preparing to present a conclusion on the success of this event to my peers on the Collections and Curating Practices Course.


What would I like to do later?

  • I want to work in a history/science museum or art gallery within the fields of conservation or digital archiving. I have chosen this path because I love to interact unique historical or scientific artefacts. To be part of preserving these histories for generations in the future would be an enormous privilege.
  • I want to have a career that allows me to work practically with objects. The part of this project which allowed members of our group to handle the skulls from the collection was a real highlight for me because it gave me a first insight in what responsible handling means within a museum context.
  • I want to learn more about the study of Anatomy and to continue to create anatomical illustrations which help me learn more about the inner workings of the body (including my own).

Skull illustration made by myself for the marketing and promotional aspect of our group’s Face to Face event.

Drawing was an important part of this project as photography is often restricted in spaces that contain collections of human remains. I am delighted to utilise my existing skills in a new setting and gain new skills relating to creative project management.





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