
superstitions can spill over time and people. these are collected but transformed each time, adapting to new people and environments. how do i explain why i don’t walk under ladders when i also don’t believe in superstition?

irrationality?/’you’re so lucky’/control as an illusion

is the Weird something we learn to encounter and engage with?

OWN PRACTICE-placing an art world into alien/sci-fi/imaginary scenarios. animal/human


with technology, a kind of evolution can be sped up and easily accessed. becoming more grouped and leaving behind the individualist. like an armour or spacesuit, the beyond-natural outer shell preserves us and makes us more adept for survival. non-human traits would extend the possibility of the ‘hero’ and mortality, progressing the physicality of our bodies (implants or replacement procedures). what was considered science-fiction/impossibility is now a ‘real’; every generation submits to this and becomes accustomed to new things (surveillance?) which previous generations may have claimed unethical.

we no longer turn to nature to echo our state. now we catch our reflections, even our spirits, in the movements and mentations of machines’. Davis, Erik. TechGnosis : Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information, North Atlantic Books, 2015. chapter V. ProQuest Ebook Central,

science-fiction writers using past/current technologies as inspiration and adapting these to various scenarios/problems that arise that need to be solved and saved. a robot/alien is often an enemy until they realise the emotional capacity of humans. what is the purpose of a plot revisited so many times?



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