Pauline Oliveros

SONOSPHERE- “I was thinking of the core of the earth, an octagonal iron core that spins, and that the sonosphere emanates from the core and the waves— the wave forms enter [the spinning] and radiate from the core all the way up. . . . It interrelates to everything else: the atmosphere, the stratosphere, the magnetosphere, and so forth. . . . From the sonosphere you should be able to map an overview of waves that are waving. The waves are out there and they’re waving.” (Earth Sound Earth Signal : Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts, Douglas Kahn, 2013).

QUANTUM LISTENING- Her corporeal practice is bolstered by a spiritual technofuturism, and she imagines a time when a chip “implanted in a human or a machine” could facilitate a quantum improvisation: “Moment of local sound— moments of moving sound with the ability to detect locations from light years away— defining new interdimensional spatiality. What would a spatial melody sound like— a pitch beginning in Saturn moving to Aldeberon to Sirius to Earth? . . . Space is the place— I hear you Sun Ra!” (Earth Sound Earth Signal : Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts, Douglas Kahn, 2013).

invoking flimsy and ethereal surroundings of weather, electromagnetic fields, princess diana’s funeral, Oliveros surmounts deep listening and sound making to brainwave oscillating, community and theosophy. “I felt like a witch capturing sounds from a nether realm.” the idea of pulling at something unseen or underground and and producing a way these could be experienced by herself and others; a revelation of what is largely unnoticed and unseen and what effect this has once voiced. california state university, 1996, throwing sounds to the moon that would be thrown back- ‘Hearing one’s own voice can be strange, but there is an unlikely intimacy when it returns after having traveled over 750,000 kilometers. And there can be sensuality in the very act of touching the moon.'(pg.201). does a change in relation occur when something is ‘communicated’ with in this way? embracing new technologies that allow relations with far away alien entities and bringing them into a familiar space.


using magnetic fields, created kinetic sculptures to reflect these invisible forces.

within Magnetic Ballet, takis uses magnets to trigger movement continuously, highlighting the unseen forces at play that enable the artworks to function. Electro-Magnetic Musical contains a guitar string and needle hanging from the panel with an amplifier and electro magnet behind it. as these magnets attract and repel the needle strikes the string creating varying humming sounds of differing lengths and volumes.


SUN RA- making music/listening/improvisation as a way of reaching unseen elements and entities. born on saturn and upon abduction he was told to become ‘teacher of humankind’, to recall mythology and otherworldly notions with music/sound/voice.

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