
initial ideas of what our groups score can be and how it can be played. these were quite small so needed ways of being expanded or joined.  we came up with the Rework the Library idea to incorporate a free accessible space that anyone can use and take part in.

instructions to compose your own piece of writing through existing texts. we tried this as a group at eca library and it went really well. our biggest struggle in coming up with these instructions was whether players should pick random books within the library themselves or if they should be given a location. we went for the latter in the form of cards that would be borrowed for the duration of the task. as this was the first time some of the group had been to the library, we thought it was a good incentive to go and see what the library has to offer. being an instagram account, it will be easy for others to see what books the eca library has and if they would be useful for people, students, researchers.

^cards that locate a section of the library

attribution CC BY

the most ‘open’ license that allows people to modify the score and create new licenses.

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