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Weird’ Assignment

1.Can there be a weird studies? If so, why? If not, why not?

“Strange research” is a field of scholarship that does not and cannot exist. Because research itself is something that is not bound by definition, or has a frame of reference that resists any given perceptual interpretation. Our mental filing cabinets are filled with supernatural entities, magical synchronicities, and mystical rituals. But it also appears when an artifact breaks our perceptual habits and the ordinary becomes uncanny.
Strangeness is most easily defined as the other side of the line between the world we can easily accept and the things we cannot. It defines the attitude toward anything on this line: the willingness to pause between interpretations and to endure strangeness.
In any research, we use the logic of prior rules or laws to support the theoretical knowledge we study. By studying methods or counter-knowledge and thus constructing new claims
In that class, we were asked to find the basis for a fraud case in an existing website, which had a sense of absurdity, but in this case it made sense. I think with a set context, we can create a virtual world for us to create, but it’s not the same as or in conflict with the real world.
Our group explored a case where obesity caused the death of a person and we logically divided the work from different angles before and after, absurd basis but justified maybe that’s the essence of the class, the story makes sense can be.
2.Does the weird resist “any settled explanation or frame of reference”? If so, why? If not, why not?
I don’t think so. Strange people do not narrowly resist any fixed interpretation of generic terms, which is too absolute and arbitrary.
We are constantly adapting our logic and using unusual methods to discover the unknown and unknowable concepts. So you can’t define each other with a fixed or framework.
A discipline like “geek studies”? requires us to engage in various forms of miscellany by adopting and adapting its logic; to see it from the inside as an active participant in its replication.
In doing so, we create different cultural intersections and incorrectly study a class of people exploring a strange territory, thus defining them as strange and thus developing strange methods to capture them. Weirdness can easily be the opposite of what we accept from the world on a daily basis.
3.What would you label as “other/misc.” ?
From the strange humanist who writes that miscellaneous literary activities are not “humanism”, depriving the word of any inspirational value. Was every madman who didn’t bother to read or hold a pen before the modern era a “humanist”?
They come from the eccentric humanists who write that miscellaneous literary activities are not “humanism,” depriving the word of any illuminating value. Before the modern era, was every lunatic too lazy to do some interesting reading or pencil shaking?
So what I think of as miscellaneous may contain an ordinary humanist spirit, but still retains its own unique personality, and therefore cannot be classified in any category, and is therefore strange. We can’t take away miscellaneous writing and say it’s not humanist, we must give readers and writers the respect they deserve, and that’s something to think about.
4.How exactly might a work of art break “in on our habits of perception?
The absence of aesthetic power is a terminal illness that knowledge cannot save.
I elevate artwork to the level of spiritual healing, where art communicates with the subconscious. It can enhance our sense of “connection.
Here is an example of painting as a form of expression that allows us to speak to our underlying consciousness and emotions through painting by acting as a “translator” between the left and right brain. When we perceive a work of art, it creates a bridge and an interconnection between us. The perception of art is primarily the responsibility of the right brain, which is the key to unlocking our latent functions; that is, the control of the five senses and a more active right brain that helps us to perceive more diverse forms of art. The art perception habit also involves all five of our senses to the right and left brain, and through constant emotional stimulation, a new multifaceted perception of the artwork and the logic behind the artist can be obtained.
5How might you consider the artworld as a ‘cultic mileu’, a scene that “resists any settled explanation”?
Creating a scene where you can create an art world, by adopting and adapting logic to create a virtual world. I don’t think it’s a cult, but it allows us to think more without having to be limited to a certain framework. This is how art is created and developed in a healthy environment. It changes as the artist’s mind is inspired, so there is no fixation, no definition of a particular thing or person.
For example, in my first assignment, I discovered an alternative perspective of humanism, no longer proclaiming its nobility with the sublime culture, art and religion as the front branch, but the spiritual dimension will also drive the entire global spread. A culture with economic benefits.
Strange humanists have given us a useful impetus to measure historical significance more creatively. Although I use anti-knowledge to proclaim the limits of this humanism, I am still constrained by this framework. Not breaking through to construct a new concept of space is a regret of my homework.
The above is a shallow summary of my study of teamwork in the past two weeks, and I have been self-reflecting and interpreting, which is still lacking but will be explored in the days to come.

7 replies to “Weird’ Assignment”

  1. s2298567 says:

    Thanks for sharing, reading your post has made me understand the weird differently.

  2. wjake says:

    Yinan Lu, this was a very thoughtful and succinct blog post that provides some contemplative ruminations on the issues the theme of Weird Studies brings up. Well done for taking the time to consider each question patiently and provide thoughtful responses. It demonstrates that you have understood and processed some of the more complex elements of the course content.

    It would be good to see you include citations and references to sources that discuss concepts and ideas you mention within your answers. For instance, if you are writing about ‘geek studies’ or ‘humanism’ try to provide definition for these terms and identify who has used or established these concepts previously.

    1. s2449532 says:

      jack, I’m really a little bit unfamiliar with how to quote other people’s articles and my own articles, maybe I haven’t written enough papers, right

  3. s2347623 says:

    What makes something strange is essentially that it contradicts our previous experience, making it seem like the presence is inappropriate in the context. By extension, in the field of humanism, it is as if the academic field, educated in the canon, cannot tolerate the product of humanist enthusiasts who create with fragmented knowledge, and art practitioners educated in the academy cannot accept the ‘desecration’ of the classics. With the spread of knowledge and the penetration of intellectual depth in the private sector, every academic profession seeking to develop will inevitably be open to a larger world of people with different perspectives and experiences, and it would be fatal to the creative field, which is constantly reproducing itself, to define the products of a culture of excess by a narrow “non-acceptance” as strange. More possibilities, more opportunities and ways of turning, may be taking place with it.

  4. Nuanxin Zhang says:

    I love the way you listed and answered the questions! It seems like you are very organized and logical in your thinking. I like your answers to the questions, they are clear as well as thoughtful, and I can see your literature reading on the topic as well as your own critical reflections. You could also try starting a whole discussion on a particular theory and study so that it can be more focused on a particular topic that you are concerned about.

  5. s2298567 says:

    In your blog you have combined your own experience and analyzed the five questions from different perspectives, but you can expand your opinion on one of the aspects of weird, such as the weird experiments or others.

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