I created a questionnaire for my exhibition call for items, the original version of which was as follows:

Call for items for the “Childhood” exhibition

  1. Please give an example of an item that made a lasting impression on you as a child
  2. What impressed you about this item? Do you feel that it has influenced your hobbies, living conditions, habits, personality formation, etc.?
  3. Would you like to leave your name? To protect your privacy, you can use any name you prefer or choose not to disclose personal information
  4. If you are in the UK, would you like to offer physical items for use in the exhibition? Items will be returned at the end of the exhibition and shipping costs will be covered by the organiser. If you are interested, please contact: s2441634@ed.ac.uk

After speaking with JL, I removed the call for names in view of privacy issues. And given the budgetary concerns, the physical collection was limited to the city of Edinburgh. The final version is as follows:

Call for items for the “Childhood” exhibition

  1. Please give an example of an item that made a lasting impression on you as a child
  2. What impressed you about this item? Do you feel that it has influenced your hobbies, living conditions, habits, personality formation, etc.?
  3. If you are in Edinburgh, would you like to offer physical items for use in the exhibition? Items will be returned at the end of the exhibition and shipping costs will be covered by the organiser. If you are interested, please contact: s2441634@ed.ac.uk

I sent the questionnaire to a number of student communication groups within the school to better collect responses.