1. Title of project
Childhood: MEMORY

2. Artists involved
Raina Lou & Rainbow & the public

3. short descriptor
An exhibition for all that features objects, memories and stories that recall, explore and reflect on the different experiences that are integral to childhood.

4. longer descriptor
This exhibition will explore similarities and differences in the ways that we experience childhood through artworks and the involvement of the public. The aim is to explore the impact of childhood on the formation of personality by looking at a variety of childhood memories.

The exhibition will feature objects from childhood collected from the public, with stories attached. Artworks by artists will also be on display, exploring how past experiences have influenced both the work and the thinking.

This is an interactive exhibition, offering the opportunity to participate through sharing snacks, and joining in activities and crafts associated with childhood. It is hoped that visitors will be able to better recall their childhood, experience the stories of others, and enjoy the exploratory space and time of the exhibition.

5. Image