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This week we experimented with two latitude and longitude charts to determine the length of shadows at different sun positions and how to determine the sun’s altitude angle from the charts. This experiment can be of some help to our usual design. This can be used when we are determining the location of a project to determine the ambient lighting of the space and to explore different lighting effects.

Inside the small box we made ourselves, we experimented with different angles of light and different colours of light to see the different effects of the light. We took many photos and videos. In the process of designing the interior lighting we also needed to observe the effect by experimenting with different lights. The path and shape of the light can have a very significant impact on the overall atmosphere of the room. In this experiment we know more prominently the importance of natural light in interior lighting design.

-The most sunlight hits the floor when the sun is at its highest altitude, i.e. in June in Edinburgh.
-Least sunlight when the sun is in the southern hemisphere and in February and March in Edinburgh
-Most sunlight on the rear window when the sun is parallel to the window.
-Most light on the ceiling when the light is directed upwards from the window


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