Month: November 2022
The links below are my feedback to my peers.–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/11/04/68/#comments–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/11/03/week67inhabiting-practice/#comments–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/11/16/week-9-sprint-4-500-word-blogpost-flower-collage/#comments–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/11/18/sprint-4-barcamp-reflective-blog/#comments In the two weeks of class, everyone designed a toolkit, and each group created a barcamp. We will run our toolkits in Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop in the tenth week. My toolkit is called Coloring Therapy, which is a combination of drawing and healing, allowing participants to temporarily relax and participate in art in […]
Our class participated in the artist’s toolkit workshop led by the artists Debjani Banerjee and Dan Brown, which took place in the Sculpture Court Balcony in college. At the beginning of this workshop, we spent some time learning dance steps. I didn’t have much experience in dancing, it was a little difficult for me […]
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