Component 1.5 – Update 6

Now that the fruits of our labour have been picked and enjoyed it is time to reflect and understand the decisions that were made. We have accumulated the evaluation material and found that the exhibition was mostly received very well. There were criticisms and observations that have given us a valuable opportunity to learn from. The first of which was the ongoing struggle of the audio on Dampbusters (2021). Although the artist insisted that we play the film’s audio out loud, it was not conducive to an enjoyable experience for many of the visitors. Due to the nature of the space and the issues we faced early on with the mixing board, I believe it would have suited the experience more to have had headphones.

I also found that when interacting with visitors they often gravitated towards the wall montage (pictured below). This was often the main point of contact when it came to engagement; however, it was what I discussed the most and realized only after the fact that I may not have drawn visitors towards the other art works.


We wanted this exhibition to be an activist one and I think we succeeded in that sense. We made a great effort to acknowledge local expertise and took great care with the content that we wanted to show. Although there are things that I would have done differently, I am extremely proud of all the hard work and dedication that the group put into this exhibition.

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