Component 1.5 – Update 3

We have decided that we want our exhibition and plan of events to be an imaginative space for resistance. The project is starting to progress quite rapidly and we are really starting to get somewhere. We have decided to display Dampbusters (2021) as our center piece. We have begun to commission work from different artists and will be working on two workshops. One of which is to curate work for our living archive. The living archive will be a response to the prompt: What does you dream home look like? It invites spectators to engage with the material and to reflect and interpret their own comfort and needs. This will then be displayed on one of the walls in the Traveling Gallery. The second workshop is an existing workshop created and facilitated by Winnie Herbstein herself titled Sweat Equity. This workshop considers community dynamics and how people engage and work together. We will be screening Winnie’s film Minutes (2019) before the workshop.

We have commissioned a zine and a wall collage from artists Joey Simons and Keira Mclean. In our conversations we have discussed making the zine a workbook that will focus on community-led resistance to housing struggles. The wall collage will be a pseudo city-scape on the same topic. Both the zine and the wall collage will be constructed of archival material that we gather from various different locations, especially those that we will be visiting in the Traveling Gallery.

We have also commissioned the artist Lucas Priest. He is creating a performance walk tailored to student housing. He will also be creating something that visitors will be able to take with them. It is framed as a guide to those who want to reproduce the performance for themselves.

The exhibition is starting to take shape and our task lists are growing exponentially. However, I am lucky to have such a dedicated and attentive group. We are getting things done and it feels extremely fulfilling to start to cross things off my list.

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